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5 comments on “The Scruggs Book”
banjotef Says:
Thursday, June 5, 2008 @5:37:21 PM
Eat some good fried chicken and grease 'em up!
Reenie Says:
Thursday, June 5, 2008 @6:06:09 PM
Hi ~ Here's how I do that part......Use your left hand middle finger to slide from 2 to 4 on the 3rd string. With your right hand, pick the third string with your thumb when your left middle finger is on 2. When your left hand middle finger slides to 4, pick the 2nd string (open) with your right index finger. Then with your right hand use your middle finger to pick the 1st string and then your right thumb to pick the fifth string. This brings you to the 03 M+I you mentioned, and this is so great sounding. After you finish that 2-4 slide with the left hand and the right middle finger picking the 1st string followed by the thumb picking the 5th string, lift your left hand from the strings and use your left ring finger on the 2nd string on the 3rd fret. Skip a beat (pause) and then go into the second 2-4 slide in that measure. Other people might do it different ways, but that's the way my teacher showed me how to do it and he's been playing for 50 years. Good luck.
Brian T Says:
Friday, June 6, 2008 @10:18:20 AM
Banjotef: Last chicken I ate was my first tom turkey, had an 8.25" beard.
Reenie: Thanks. Scoring in a trap shooting comp. between this PM and Sunday PM, I printed your instructions and will try to fit it in.
Reenie Says:
Friday, June 6, 2008 @4:35:43 PM
There is just one thing I forgot to mention. When you put your left ring finger on the 2nd string, 3rd fret, here's what you're doing with your right hand ~ use your right hand index finger to pluck the 2nd string while your right hand middle finger plucks the 1st string simultaneously.
Brian T Says:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @11:52:38 AM
Reenie: Thanks. Was the LH part I needed. RH fingers don't want to do what head demands.
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