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Posted by kallekockum on Tuesday, January 2, 2007
17 comments on “So it's true what say about the guy...”
frailin Says:
Tuesday, January 2, 2007 @9:46:45 AM
Yep. Dylan does grow on you. He's from the "range" area of northern MN. He is a favored son here yet today.
Craig (frailin)
BConk Says:
Tuesday, January 2, 2007 @8:14:50 PM
Odd you should mention it - I got a CD of ABBA hits from a grab bag Yankee swap Christmas. I tried to swap it for anything....even the Old Spice soap-on-a-rope, but I couldn't get any takers. So I listened to it and now I've become ABBAsessed! ...there was something in the air that night,,,the stars where bright Fernando...I just got back from Home Depot - I can't believe they don't have any rotating mirror balls. ;^)
kallekockum Says:
Wednesday, January 3, 2007 @2:17:14 AM
Congratulations, Brian! Sure, one might argue ABBA's music may be a litte - well, superficial, and it won't change your life like Dylan, but they recorded some of the best pop music ever. Cheesy clothes and mirror balls aside, some of those melodies are pure genius, and I'm not just saying that because I'm Swedish! Their sound technician Michael B. Tretow was pretty darned good too. BTW, a female friend of mine is dating Bjorn Ulveaus' and Agnetha Falthskogs' son!
banjo25 Says:
Wednesday, January 3, 2007 @10:54:23 AM
Wow, welcome to the club. I spent a good 5-7 years just getting caught up on Dylan once I discovered him. I would suggest Nashville Skyline (personal favorite), Freewheelin Bob Dylan and self titled Bob Dylan for starters.
Once you have that base to work with all of the other stuff makes a lot more sense.
I also like John Wesley Harding although a lot of people don't like that one. Highway 61 is a must. There are a whole lot I am forgetting right now but you want to take it slow so you can enjoy those albums and try not to overdo it at first. It's real easy to get overwhlmed and spend a lot of money. Records are always an inexpensive way to catch up on vast catalogues of music.
Good luck and enjoy
kallekockum Says:
Wednesday, January 3, 2007 @2:15:58 PM
Thanks, Craig! I got most of the '60s and first half of the '70s albums. Thought I 'd take it nice and slow. I listened through Planet Waves the other night (I chose that one from the pile because I'm a big fan of The Band), and what really got to me was the flow of it. Just tremendous. But I'll try not to make the same mistake I did with The Beatles as a 17 year old, just listening to it constantly. I have taken a vow not to listen to The Beatles again until I'm "hungry" for it.
Gumbograss Says:
Friday, January 5, 2007 @8:30:44 AM
Welcome to the fold! When I was a kid, my older sisters played Bob Dylan records a lot, and he grew on me at an early age. People say he can't sing. I say they can't hear. The man is a brilliant poet and an excellent performer. Glad you found him.
Vince (Gumbograss)
mefloyd Says:
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 @8:36:12 AM
Bob Dylan might be a brilliant poet, but he can't sing!
kallekockum Says:
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 @9:33:46 AM
Meflyd, I've heard people say that about Dylan before, and I think it's a statement that's not very well thought through. He can't sing? Well, he does. It's HIS songs. I for one can't think of anybody that could sing them better.
mainejohn Says:
Sunday, January 21, 2007 @11:20:21 AM
I liked his first two albums ( "Bob Dylan" and Times They Are a'Changin'"). The 3rd was OK, but when he went electric, he lost me. Those first two were powerful, but they had some fun stuff, too ("Talkin' NY Blues" & "Talkin' WWIII Blues"). I also liked his nasally voice, and simple "Guthriesque" flat-pickin' style. BTW, Kalle, you have a better command of English than many Americans. Is your Swedish as good? :)
mainejohn Says:
Sunday, January 21, 2007 @11:23:07 AM
I stand corrected: It was"Freewheelin" that I liked (2nd album). "Times They are a changin' " was his third. I guess the memory is going!
kallekockum Says:
Sunday, January 21, 2007 @3:44:30 PM
Thanks for the kind words, mainejohn. FWIW, I'm better at writing in English than speaking English! I haven't listened through Dylan's earliest albums just yet, but I'll do that sometime soon. BTW, I love the Dylan parody that Paul Simon does on S&G album "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Tyme". Priceless, and done with affection.
jimbo78 Says:
Sunday, February 4, 2007 @1:11:53 PM
Theres a guy named Ramblin' Jack Elliot that you may want to check out if you like BoB Dylans "music!" Bob has gotten away this fame for far too long inho. He is a Ramlin' Jack copycat! Do some reasearch on Jack and you'll see that Jack was one of the pioneers before "bobs style" was introduced to the world. Way before Bob came around. He actually lived with Jack for a bit and basicly took alot of licks off of Jacks Guitar playing and his singing style also! Hey Im not really bashing Bob, but the probem I have with him is that he never gave credit to Jack for taking him under his wing!Bob couldnt even play the guitar before he met Jack and had NO STYLE of singing either! Bob stole Jacks style and ran with it! It is really very noticable if youve ever listened to Jack Elliots music!
kallekockum Says:
Sunday, February 4, 2007 @3:51:03 PM
Thanks Jimbo, I'll check him out! I'm pretty sure though I've heard Dylan claim in some interview he's stolen pretty much everything by copying other performers. Don't remember any names being mentioned, though. I know he has said that's how he writes, first playing some song he likes and then just spinning off on it until it's all his own and nothing left of the original. But I'll check Elliot out. Right now I'm leaning towards Dylans stuff in the '70s, I'm not as "into" the earlier folksier stuff yet. I love the albums "Blood On The Tracks" (it's got a banjo on it, Eric Weissberg!) and "Planet Waves"...good stuff.
jimbo78 Says:
Monday, February 5, 2007 @12:23:59 PM
Come to think of it. I guess we a steal/take a little from others even if we know it or not. Alot of folks have gotten enjoyment from ole Bob. Im glad he made a mark in this world.
squirrelynutsacksplace Says:
Monday, February 5, 2007 @1:42:01 PM
Yeah ,Dillon rocks,a lot !! Love it. Must have seen my blog , huh?Cool! Could use a cat like you on my friend list.Thanks : Squirrely .
SlowPockets Says:
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 @6:51:10 AM
Kalle, Public Broadcasting put out an American Masters special on Dylan called "No Direction Home" directed by Martin Scorsese. Have you seen it? I have never been a huge fan, I listened to him a lot when I was younger but not so much anymore. Anyway it was a really good special and made me appreciate him again.
kallekockum Says:
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 @4:01:42 PM
Yeah, I've seen parts of it anyway, but it was before I "discovered" Dylan. I'd like to see it again now, though!
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