Way back on New Years Day I took a moment to think about the upcoming year, like most of us do. And I said to myself, emphatically:
"This is going to be the Year of the BANJO!"
I decided right then and there that I was going to play every single day, go to as many festivals as possible (at a minimum, Clifftop!), and by the end of the year feel somewhat competent on the instrument.
Well...little did I know...
Turns out, this is definitely NOT going to be the year of banjo.
Some of you may have noticed that I disappeared for at least three months (Jan - March). I did that because instead of the year of the banjo, this is going to be...
the Year of the BABY!
Yep. I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant. :-) I felt like total crap in Jan, Feb, and all of March. I was tired, unmotivated, and strangely enough, playing the banjo made me feel even more nauseated than normal. I think it was something about the stomach vibrations caused by the banjo sitting right there on my belly. Really, I swear.
So, I lost a good three months. Sigh. But the second trimester has been a bit easier to handle, and I'm playing again. Phew! For a while, I was convinced it was all over. :-)
So now that I'm back to normal-ish, I've decided that I'm going to do as much banjo-related stuff as possible before August 15. The baby is supposed to come in mid-Sept, and I'm told that those last 4 weeks are supposed to be pretty awful and traveling is kind of out of the question. Then after that, well, a lot of you know what happens to people who have a newborn...they become zombies or something.
So the sad thing is that Clifftop definitely won't be happening. My significant other and I are moving out to Colorado right around the time of the festival. Woe, woe, woe is me. Next year, for sure!
So, here are my spring/ summer plans :-)...I'm excited!
Bluff Country Gathering in MN: this weekend! I'm camping out. Wish me luck...cuz I have to pee every few hours. :(
Midwest Banjo Camp: June 6-8 - can't wait to meet BHOers there!!
If I'm lucky, a short trip to Dan Levenson's place in June (time and cost permitting).
Indiana Fiddlers' Gathering: June 27-29 - totally cheap! Check it out! http://www.indianafiddlersgathering.org/
Anyone know of anything else happening in the midwest in July?
Planet Bluegrass Song School: Aug. 10-14 (in Lyons, CO) -- ignore the bluegrass part of this. Basically this workshop is to develop songwriting skills, etc.
Those should fill up my next few months pretty nicely. Gotta get it all done quick! No time to lose!! :-)
Btw, I tried to convince my SO that 'Ola Belle' is a nice name for a girl (we didn't find out the gender) but he's not going for it. ;-)
So, happy spring to you crazy banjo players! I hope to catch up with lots of you soon. Let me know if you'll be at any of the above events!
lori :-)
on “The year of the Banjo? Um...nope.”
frailin Says:
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @8:56:45 AM
Exciting plans, Lori. I'm VERY sorry I can't jam with you this weekend at Lanesboro but there will be lotsa folks from my jamming circles there (look for John Wallace... great fiddler. I LOVE his version of Cricket on the Hearth).
And have fun!!
BryanWB Says:
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @2:40:51 PM
Hi Lori !! - what good news!
I sooooooo much wish I could meet up with someof you gals and guys in the States, and come to some festivals with you all.
Don't stop posting will you? Best wishes from the UK. Bryan.
ScottKnick Says:
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @10:07:13 PM
God, I wish my mother had played banjo for me in utero!
fatbanjo Says:
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 @2:16:12 AM
hey hey Hey like Tony the Tiger says Babies are GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well done Mum!
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