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Posted by Sid Langley on Sunday, April 27, 2008
This links to a fuller version of the bluebells blog if anyone's interested. If I ever get to have a custom Deering made I may have a bluebell on the headstock - but no other inlays. Does anyone else hate over-ornate necks? It seems to be a very banjo thing ...
2 comments on “Blogging the blog”
u k sandra Says:
Sunday, April 27, 2008 @11:05:26 AM
Don`t forget the wild garlic. Theres nothing quite like the sight of bluebells and garlic flowers in an old broad -leafed wood. Its magic. I too hate over the top necks.
Debbielee Says:
Monday, April 28, 2008 @3:21:57 AM
I read your blog, Sid. It must be an amazing site to see in person because the picture was beautiful.
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