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Posted by Mark Swanson on Thursday, October 26, 2006
So, I've been a guitar player and a mandolin player for many years, and have played for my living ( I hate the word ("professional") since 1976. Lots of groups, and as a soloist for ten long years...it's easy to get stuck, play the same licks, and just sort of sit there thinking about the same instruments all the time.
As things developed for me, I always wanted better instruments but I couldn't ever afford them- so I learned to build my own. I tinkered and struggled at first, but when the internet came along it was the best thing ever for me! All of a sudden I was able to learn a lot of stuff, from other helpful folks! And then my instruments got better, real quickly as I learned to fill in the areas where I needed help....just like you do when you learn to play music. Playing and building follow very similar paths to your destination.
But in my playing, it seemed like things we not quite as much fun or challenging as they used to be...then I heard somewhere in the back of my head a BANJO...and a bell went off. For a long time I had been working on fingerstyle guitar, and got good enough to play most any song that I needed to sing. but I wanted more- and then I realized that the banjo would help me open up and learn a whole new world of musical tricks!
I didn't want the bluegrass style, I wanted to play old time, 3 finger classical/civil war era stuff. Clawhammer holds no attraction for me because for me the banjo and the guitar are related, extensions of each other if you follow me. The banjo has really inspired me and has helped my guitar playing, in fact all of my playing in ways that I can't even explain...it's a ton of fun, and rewarding because this old boy can still learn new tricks.
Now, I got myself a 1929 Vegaphone professional banjo and I am busy making a 5 string conversion neck for it. Work is progressing well, I've been taking pics right along and maybe I'll put them up on a website for anyone to see! In fact I could use this blog spot to keep you all up to date about where I'm at! When I get done it will be the best banjo I have ever had and I can't wait to play it. Right now, I have the neck roughed out, the fingerboard made and everything but the star in the 5th fret inlaid...the pot is cleaned and ready to go. I routed the neck joint in a nice jig that I made, and the neck fits the pot real nice- tomorrow I will drill the hole for the dowel stick, this can be tricky!
3 comments on “banjo inspirtation...”
Dead Wood Says:
Sunday, November 5, 2006 @1:33:54 AM
Hey mark, music is really important to me. There have been sereral time in my life when music was all I had to turn to. It sure makes a difference though when sickness comes along and nearly robs a person of it . Man that sure was the case with me. Lucky me that stroke didn't happen completely. The Blood to my brain was never completely cut off so that saved me big time. But, it did almost rob me of the ability to play music. It's been a strugle but things are getting better all the time. I will be getting some new medicine in a couple of week from now and maybe that will get me back on track. I cant concentrate on what I am doing. I drift off and forget where I am in a tune and mess up big time. I didn't want to tell folks but I decided that it was someting I needed to get out in the open and I'm gald that I did. Life seems a lot better now that I did.
The banjo has been a real plus for me. I already did the finger picking on guitar so the banjo fell right in place. I just learned the 3251 4251roll and went at it. Now it wasn't that simple. I do use tab to learn by and by ear to. My music playing is just about completely on hold right now because of the neuro. problme. Hopefully it will all be better soon. I do love the banjo though. It is the instrument that I should have picked up years ago. I just didn't realize what I was missing...
Mark Swanson Says:
Sunday, November 5, 2006 @9:42:33 AM
Good luck Tommy! If you keep playing and trying, it'll come back to you. I know some stroke victims who had to learn to walk or talk again, and they did it! All you have to do is learn to play well again- that can be a lot of fun! So hold your drive and inspiration, and go for it, keep playing!
Dead Wood Says:
Sunday, November 5, 2006 @11:30:43 AM
Thanks Mark, i'm doing really good except for my speech sometimes and my cordination is shot in my arms and hands. You have to look real close sometimes to tell but there are time when it stick out like a sore thumb. People who dont know me look at me strange but that is ok. They just dont know. I'm going to make it and be back at picking. It's just going to take some more time. Playing music has been the best therapy for me over anything else. I miss notes and my hand wants to just stop on me. Like I said I will make it back fully. I hope anyway. Optomistic outlook here Mark...
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