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On the other hand ...

Posted by Sid Langley on Saturday, April 26, 2008

Just back from getting the Guatanamo treatment (electrodes in uncomfortable places) at local hospital. Yes, I have carpal tunnel syndrome in right hand, as well as trigger finger on left  (op a month today). Mustn't grumble, as we Brits say - I haven't got polyneuritis, the consultant tells me. Hooray! My sister fell down yesterday and broke her hip and on the way to hospital this morning I scraped my new car. Life gets tedious, don't it?

6 comments on “On the other hand ...”

Joanchek Says:
Saturday, April 26, 2008 @7:14:50 AM

Hang in, Sid... this too shall pass.  And the negative diagnosis is a good thing!  Best wishes to your sis for a quick recovery. 

I have no positive spin for scraping the car, though.  ;)

hammeron Says:
Saturday, April 26, 2008 @11:42:08 AM

Hey Sid, Good luck with all that.

BryanWB Says:
Saturday, April 26, 2008 @1:39:32 PM

Hi Sid - wow - you've been through it - wishing you and your sister all the best from Devon (UK). Bryan

revdmike Says:
Sunday, April 27, 2008 @3:11:39 AM

Thoughts and prayers for you and yours Sid.

Guy Says:
Sunday, April 27, 2008 @7:01:30 AM

Hi Sid

Wow!, you are in the wars. It must be even more frustrating that playing the banjo is a reminder of your predicament rather than an escape. I had trigger thumb a while back, very painful and scary as it affected what I love doing most in life. It took quite a while after the op before things got back to normal so you may need to be patient. Good luck and best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.


Old git Says:
Friday, May 16, 2008 @6:36:42 PM

All the best to you all Sid. Battle on.

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