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Strangers I Have Met...

Posted by blamethebanjo on Saturday, April 12, 2008

I see him sitting over there alone and wonder if anyone knows where he is.He looks sad to me.Dirty face and ill fitting clothes make me think he must come from a poor family.He is skinny to the point of looking malnurished.There is an air of melancoly about him. I move on not looking back feeling a little guilt for not offering a kind thought or word.What is he to me? I tell myself. Obviously I am not the first to ignore this one. I shake my head and move on.

I was hoping not to run in to this character but there he stands barely a teenager with all the rebellion he can muster on his sour face.Long hair and purpously dressed to scream "Hey look at me, I hope I annoy you!" I pick up my pace and try to put some distance between us all the while dreading turning my back on this delinquent.Don't his parents care enough to put him on the right track? Good, a corner to turn.

Who do we have here? Oh boy, a young man and his new wife and they already have a child.Look at them, I can clearly see they are barely making ends meet.Why on Earth do they allow children to have children?They don't have a chance in a trillion to make it.What a sad situation.Divorce is in their near future no doubt.Good luck kids,as if that will be enough for you. Thank goodness I am nearly home.

There he is,the thirty something man who thinks he knows everything.He doesn't have a clue.He still wastes his time dreaming of some ship that never will come in.Poor guy. I won't waste much thought on this one.He probably thinks I am just another roadblock in his way on his fantastic highway.Let me get out of his way fast.See that? He never even looked up. This one has some hard lessons ahead.

This one is especialy pitiful.He is a middle aged man who shows the wear and tear of some really rough travelling.I can tell life didn't deal him many good cards.Where is this one headed?He can't bet on too many decent years to come his way I'll wager.No loss I guess.I can't imagine too many people hanging on his every word or even caring if he comes home tonight. I could be wrong but I doubt it. He is not someone who is going anywhere. Anywhere good I mean.None of my concern.

Along this walk you have just taken with me all of the people I met along the way were myself at different stages in my life.The harsh ,uncaring remarks were things I told myself about me.Unkind for sure but this is the way someone with little self esteem sees himself.Until you can look back at all these people and learn to except them if not like them for all the weakness and shortcomings the cycle goes on.Don't be so hard on yourself.You are worth far more than you might think.


16 comments on “Strangers I Have Met...”

u k sandra Says:
Sunday, April 13, 2008 @6:13:48 AM

Darrell, its all of those people who make you the person you are today. Its what gives you character and I bet you`re so much nicer to people like that, because you`ve been there and know how they are feeling..

blamethebanjo Says:
Sunday, April 13, 2008 @7:36:26 AM

Thank you Sandra, yes it has made me slow to judge someone by looking at the outside.You never know what has happened in someones life.Good to hear from you.


Kevin G Says:
Sunday, April 13, 2008 @1:18:00 PM

And now you've got music and banjo friends, to boot. And you live in a beautiful part of the country, with a city that still has a downtown. There are still lots of streets to walk and corners to turn, Darrell. The main thing is to keep walking and turning.

blamethebanjo Says:
Sunday, April 13, 2008 @1:54:02 PM

You are so right, Kevin.Thanks.


philly Says:
Sunday, April 13, 2008 @6:21:38 PM

As I read this about half way down  I thought " It's Darrell describing his life"  and we've never met except for here on the BHO.  A very good ending to this  vignette.  Well done, Darrell!

blamethebanjo Says:
Sunday, April 13, 2008 @7:02:27 PM

You know,Phil So much of my life was like I was looking at everything outside my own body.Like watching everything happen to this person I didn't really know. Not far removed from what I wrote here.I wonder if this is what the spiritual realm is like.Makes me think hard about what I do from this point on.

Your old friend, Darrell.

dneal Says:
Sunday, April 13, 2008 @11:14:12 PM

Well written.  For all the wars and fights and judgments we place on each other, there are greatter similarities than there are differences and we are all headed toward the same end.  If we could remember that we might treat each other and ourselves a little bit better. 

Ace Says:
Monday, April 14, 2008 @4:49:32 AM

Hi Darrell!!

THanks for your thoughts my friend, I am glad to be your friend



Shorty Says:
Monday, April 14, 2008 @5:59:47 AM

Hey FRIEND , as I started to Read this Blog I thought what is this Guy Talking about and pretty soon it hit me, I'm Reading something that Darrell  wrote, I still think you Ought to write a Book!!


blamethebanjo Says:
Monday, April 14, 2008 @7:22:12 AM

Thanks D , Ace and Shorty.You fellers keep me a tryin'!

banjo_robb Says:
Monday, April 14, 2008 @11:09:39 AM

Wow, Darrell!  You've reminded all of us of a very good life lesson.  God bless you, & thank you for sharing!

blamethebanjo Says:
Monday, April 14, 2008 @12:42:09 PM

Thank you Robbin.We are all learning as we go.


BryanWB Says:
Monday, April 14, 2008 @1:37:58 PM

Hi Darrell -   Thanks so much for your thoughts. Made me stop and think. Makes one realise that whatever we do, I for one, know that I could have done better towards others during my life. We can't undo the past, but we all try our best don't we for our lives now, and for the future.  But isn't it great to have so many friends on here? Thanks again Darrell, you're a great pal. Best wishes from the UK.

blamethebanjo Says:
Monday, April 14, 2008 @2:49:49 PM

Thanks Bryan, You know none  of us came with an instruction manual so we do the best we can.At least the good folks like you do.


philly Says:
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 @1:57:59 AM

Thought I'd re-read your story...I'm reminded of George Bailey , Jimmy Stewart's character in "It's a Wonderful Life".   I think you have touched alot of lives and still are with your writing and songs.  You have gifts that many, many wish they had a fraction of.....I'm one of the "many"

blamethebanjo Says:
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 @7:33:26 AM

Thank you Phil, That is my favorite movie.There is so much truth in that story. You don't know how you have touched my life with your friendship and kind words.You keep me afloat in this troubled sea.


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