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Posted by blamethebanjo on Sunday, March 30, 2008
A world without personal computers and believe it or not cell phones and ipods.This barren land once existed and those of us who are somewhat aged lived in it.We thrived and actually managed to live without these all important items.
These dark ages were such that there was no cable TV,no pay per view.There wasn't even a VHS or Beta machine to play video tapes even if they had existed at the time.Think about it.
When I was a kid our one telephone was black and permantly attached to the wall of our living room.You could get an extra long cord if you wanted to move three or four feet away from the station.Otherwise ,there you stood or sat for as long as you wanted to talk.
Our television got one clear channel and three more fuzzy ones.ABC,CBS,NBC and PBS were the choices.No,I don't want to go back just remembering a time that some have never known.Lots of us have though.
7 comments on “Try To Imagine...”
BryanWB Says:
Sunday, March 30, 2008 @4:47:20 PM
Hi Darrell - I'm glad we've got all the mod-cons we're used to nowadays (and I'm ANCIENT). Wouldn't be able to leave messages for nice guys like you, and all the other great guys and gals here in BHO. Best wishes from the UK. Bryan.
blamethebanjo Says:
Sunday, March 30, 2008 @6:38:44 PM
I agree,Bryan. I sure wouldn't want to go back to the old days. I used to record on a small reel to reel tape recorder and now I have a studio on my computer! That was many years ago.
brawny1 Says:
Sunday, March 30, 2008 @10:01:25 PM
Speaking of simpler times, my wife and I have just started having a serious conversation about letting it all go and hiking the Appalachian Trail. If it works out we will leave in March 09. I am thinking a very small travel banjo will be in order for that trip! Also on that note, we have a little cabin in the woods of New Hampshire with no running water, no plumbing, no electricity except for a small solar panel, no phone, no tv, etc etc etc and a wood stove for heat. We consider that to be our home and Massachusetts to be the place where we make a living(and keep our house) Simple is definitely better! Brian
blamethebanjo Says:
Sunday, March 30, 2008 @10:09:55 PM
That sounds great Brawney, a place to unwind away from all the noise and tension! You absolutely have to have a banjo to take along! Keep an eye out for the black bears when you hike! You will have to write and let us know all the details!
Ks_5-picker Says:
Monday, March 31, 2008 @12:35:09 AM
We used to have 3 or 4 channels too,and believe it or not.......had to get up out of the chair to change from one to another.....Oh.......it was awful,I tell ya. ;-))
PruchaLegend Says:
Monday, March 31, 2008 @1:18:57 AM
When I was a kid not only did we not have cars, we didn't even have horses. You had to walk every place you wanted to go. I think I was about ten years old when the first horse was developed. Cars came along much later.
blamethebanjo Says:
Monday, March 31, 2008 @11:38:52 AM
K-5, That was awful not having a remote! That alone was a nightmare!
Prucha, I feel your pain.I was embarrassed to ride to school on a old model Teradacatyl! Kids can be cruel!!!!!
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