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Posted by blamethebanjo on Friday, March 14, 2008
The way things get turned around? The way you can find yourself in the middle of a conflict and not know how any of it happened? I have noticed that those who are the most likely to speak harshly about others live under the stress of thinking everyone else is doing the same about them.
Someone once said "We wouldn't worry so much about what others thought of us if we knew how little they did." Maybe that is the problem.When we feel so important to the point that we allow our heads to swell it makes it hard to see ourselves realisticly.Feeling important should never come at the expense of anothers feelings.Ill gotten gains,he who toots his own horn ends up playing to himself, I always say.
We are after all only human.But shouldn't we think twice and speak once?Do we always have to be right?Why do we want others to be just like us when we don't like ourselves? In order to truly be proud of yourself you have to be long suffering and quick to forgive.Think the best of others and if they prove otherwise we are obligated to forgive.Because we want forgiveness.
I really believe that being positive in our thoughts and words spreads to all around us.I have found it hard to say anything bad about someone who has never talked bad about anyone in front of me.The words are bitter and burn the tounge.All these questions.Am I guilty.Oh yes,I am.Am I trying to change? I am.Am I doing better? Yes.If you read this and have reason to think I owe you an apology I ask for your forgivness.
5 comments on “Doesn't It Seem Odd”
BryanWB Says:
Saturday, March 15, 2008 @9:06:38 AM
Hi Darrell - You sound like a guy that wouldn't knowingly say anything you need to apologise for. And yes, if we want to judge people, let's start with judging them as nice - good - friendly - and so on. Can always change our minds later - but a positive start gives everyone, including ourselves, a really good start with new acquaintances. Thanks for putting this blog on here Darrell. Best wishes from the UK. Bryan.
banjosis Says:
Saturday, March 15, 2008 @9:08:58 AM
I agree with you, Darrell. I have always told my children not to assasinate someone's character, even if they think that the person deserves it. It is always better to turn the other cheek, and to be quick to forgive. thanks for posting and by the way, I always enjoy reading your posts.
blamethebanjo Says:
Saturday, March 15, 2008 @3:14:31 PM
Thank you Bryan and Banjosis for the kind words. I hope that as I am now getting closer to being in my golden years I have learned a little along the way.Through the years the weight of holding grudges has broken me down.I can't do it anymore.
u k sandra Says:
Saturday, March 15, 2008 @4:15:05 PM
I agree with you too Darrell. You know the old saying, If you can`t say anything nice about somebody, don`t say anything at all. if you smile, somebody always smiles back at you ( and you get less wrinkles and at our age thats a good thing).
blamethebanjo Says:
Saturday, March 15, 2008 @6:06:20 PM
The years have been very kind to you Sandra.Hope you are still enjoying your CDs.I love the ones you sent me.
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