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Posted by Sid Langley on Sunday, March 9, 2008
Hi to all my old friends ... those that haven't passed on, that is ...
Saw an orthopaedic surgeon on Friday and am now waiting for a date for her to sort out my left hand fingers. That still leaves a carpal tunnel issue on my right hand, but it's nowhere near as serious.I have been unable to play for months, so I've stayed away from the site as it just adds to the frustration! I miss the blogging and banter, and this is the first time in 40-plus years as a musician that I've actually ground to a halt. I explained to the consultant that I feared changing to banjo from guitar might have triggered my problems, but she smiled and said anyone who played banjo had a major problem anyway ... not really, she said it could have happened anytime and was just as likely to have been related to my other occupation of tapping computer keyboards constantly (RSI was mentioned). Meantime I've been blogging at www.birminghampost.net in the lifestyle section for anyone who needs a break from frailin', pickin' or whatever ...
5 comments on “On my way back”
ragitty Says:
Sunday, March 9, 2008 @3:59:53 PM
Hi Sid been a long time since I last posted on your site, sorry to hear that you have ground to a halt, I just started playing again after a break of about 3 months or so. hope you manage to get a bit of practice in and best wishes for the future. regards Lee
DandyRandy Says:
Sunday, March 9, 2008 @5:45:56 PM
Hang in there Sid. What else can you do? Hopefully it will be resolved.
Jane C Says:
Monday, March 10, 2008 @6:17:53 AM
Missed you x
valdae Says:
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 @2:02:06 PM
Hi, Sid. I've been away for a while myself (see my latest blog for details). Very sorry to hear of your malady and hope it is resolved soon. Hope all else is well in your life. Take care and know that we're all pulling for you.
Old git Says:
Saturday, March 15, 2008 @6:03:24 PM
Hya Sid. Just drive east for a mile or two and get to Hull. I will then take you on a tour of all the local drinkeries. By the time we've finished we will be brilliant banjo players, in fact we will be good at everything especialy going from pub to pub on our hands and knees, pain forgotten, problem solved. But let no-one mention the next morning. Ive heard nothing but good reports about the treatment and recovery concerning your problem. So heres to you Sid.
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