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Posted by vintagewells on Sunday, December 17, 2006
I have added to my photos today. I thought someone might be interested in seeing some of my origami creations. I have a fascination with geometric constructions. With the exception of the 5 intersecting tetrahedrons, they are my own designs. I have to confess that I glue the units together, which is a no no with origami purists. Oh well. I make these things for Christmas gifts, especially when I'm at a loss for what to give someone. I haven't come up an origami banjo - yet.
5 comments on “Sunday, Dec. 17, 2006”
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 @12:04:15 AM
Your my first friend and the most talented origomist I know.
I have a six year old Aussie, he makes life very interesting.
I'm new to this forum, is this the way you coverse. I got your E-Mail.
paulewhitman Says:
Monday, January 22, 2007 @10:17:28 PM
I can understand building banjos, wood is easy to work. with. But where do you find the patience to do origami???
Eric70 Says:
Friday, February 9, 2007 @2:53:50 PM
hey Lorna, thanks for the great comment! I know I shouldnt care who made the banjo. Curiousity always just gets the best of me. that need to know as much as possible about something I enjoy so much. take care and have a great weekend!
ukjonathan Says:
Thursday, February 15, 2007 @8:03:35 AM
Hi Lorna, I looked at your artwork and its really exquisite. I love art so much in any shape or form and guess that is why my life revolves around it. I'm always inspired by others that use art as an expression no matter what form it may be in.
jay_m Says:
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 @3:45:39 PM
hey lorna -
thanks for the kind words. the banjos on your page are amazing, and your block rims look great. next time i'm in tucson (i go there every eyar or so), i'll have to look you up. i love seeing other banjo builder's shops. and banjos.
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