Posted by tomthacker on Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My latitude hasn't changed, but my attitude has improved if only slightly. I got tired of feeling sorry for myself and decided to do something, if only a little bit. I took the strings off my Saga and sanded down the new position dots. I found out that if you put masking tape over the new dots and just started filing, or sanding, over the tape that it was easier to tell if you were gouging into the fretboard. Also an emery board, graciously provided by my daughter, worked well for the final touches. (I think she is secretly happy the strings are off) Then I took the tuners out, sanded down the headstock and glued up my 5/8" star. At the fifth fret marker, I filled the position dot hole with a piece of dowel rod, sanded it flush, and glued up my smaller star. I may go ahead and order three more of the Five-Star tuners so I will have them or reassembly. I also replaced the tail piece with a no-knot, but I won't know how that goes until I put the strings back on.
Now I'm looking at my Rogue with a different eye. It is a good beginner banjo, good enough for me anyway, but I'm starting to see where a few improvements might work wonders. Hmmm..... or now I think I'll pick a few tunes, and maybe work awhile on my mandolin kit.
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