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Posted by blamethebanjo on Sunday, January 20, 2008

I realized even then that the breeze and sunlight that touched my face was at that moment becoming a memory.I knew time did not stand still and my youth was burning like a candle.As I looked in all directions. I tried to take a photograph in my mind as if there was a way to capture the present  though all the while it slipped away.

I was alone in that space in time.That minute reality that now flickers like a scratchy old silent movie.Many of the players have gone on to live in that place where memories wait for their cue, willing to make an entrance but unable to interact with this physical realm.

Wasn't I there? How can I be the same person when I am so little like that boy who rode in that long ago time.Up hill and down freedom seemed like a real option.But even then wasn't I tied to something?Dependent on people and things to make my existance familiar? I never found that feeling of freedom I searched for.I tried to force it upon myself to no avail.

Thank God my spirit and soul are exempt from time and know nothing of the way it wittles away at the body.They are light with no ties,no tethers driven in to the Earth.None but God has an influence on my soul and spirit as they are His possesion.

I will find myself backstage waiting for my cue.Some fond memory held by another who interacted in my life in some way will call upon the memory of me and again I will act out in their heart those times when freedom seemed obtainable.When I laughed and sang.In that place I will have found the freedom I found elusive when the stage was full of players.

6 comments on “Reflections”

SlowPockets Says:
Sunday, January 20, 2008 @2:57:46 PM

Brilliant! Thanks so much.

randyblair Says:
Sunday, January 20, 2008 @3:35:19 PM

IMHO freedom is always present as the core of who you are but alas it is overlooked in the seeking of freedom by doing that which we think will gain us the freedom we once knew.  Thank you for sharing your reflection!  I love it!


philly Says:
Sunday, January 20, 2008 @4:01:23 PM

Hmmm.....I think the BHO has a poet laureate.  Very insightful, very deep and well written.  As time goes, I realize just what you mean....


blamethebanjo Says:
Sunday, January 20, 2008 @7:55:51 PM

I am so glad that what I was trying to convey came through somehow.I thank you all,the ones who comment for the kind words and thoughts and the knowing we are not alone but side by side in the same journey.Thank you.

dpete210 Says:
Monday, January 21, 2008 @10:28:15 AM

Darrel, an experience I had only days before my Mother died assured me we are not alone. I have shared that experience with numerous people and others have told me that they have experienced some things that they can't fully explain either. There is so much we do not know and won't know until we leave this world. Some of the things that I've experienced can't be explained by coincidence. "Journey" is a good description of our life on this planet...a journey filled with mystery. Some day it will all be clear for us.

blamethebanjo Says:
Monday, January 21, 2008 @10:38:30 AM

Yes Sir, DPete. I believe that wholeheartedly.

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