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How does this happen

Posted by Paper_Ninja on Saturday, January 19, 2008

So after 27 years of listening to classic rock, punk, and any other kind of rock, I've decided to learn to play...the banjo? I don't know why, I suppose I've always loved the way the sound. I've never been a fan of country, I like some bluegrass but I couldn't name any artists or songs. I'm a pierced,  tattooed....previously multi-color haired rocker, that wants to play an instrument  that has very little to do with my favorite genre of music.  Will the  wonders never cease.

8 comments on “How does this happen”

FiddlerFaddler Says:
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @12:28:36 AM

It seems like you are upgrading your tastes in music!  It was about 20 years ago that I got rid of two electric guitars and an electric bass, and I've never looked back.  See my website for a link to my Fiddle Hangout page and check out my blog archive for my unabridged biography for more details about how that all happened.

PaulKirby Says:
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @12:48:57 AM


Joanchek Says:
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @1:38:35 AM

Ryan, I did the same thing--and I was 20 years older than you are now.  I was certainly familiar with some bluegrass, but it wasn't my steady musical diet.  But I had always had a secret desire to make that machine make that kind of noise, and let me assure you that once you do it, you're hooked.  And although a steady diet of bluegrass listening will help improve your playing progress, there's no reason to give up the other genres of music that you love.  You'll find you simply need more hours in the day to listen!  Have fun, enjoy the trip, and send us postcards along the way!

stanger Says:
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @7:47:14 AM

Hi, Ryan... Good question! Why did you pick the banjo to play? maybe, after 27 years, you may have gotten tired of music for the masses. You may have grown weary of hearing the same ol' stuff from too many bands that sounded too much alike. You may have developed a hankering for straight raw acoustic music that didn't need the false electric coatings of distortion. Maybe you wanted the authenticity of the ancient tones the banjo so naturally makes. Right many are called to the banjo, but damn few are chosen. Welcome to a long strange musical journey, and be prepared- the banjo road is always full of surprises, and there's no roadmap.

Unplugged Says:
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @12:17:26 PM

Have a blast, Ryan.

banjer5 Says:
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @12:45:43 PM

Git ya a mess of it. This banjo thing grabs folks from all walks of life. A warning though; it may be for life. I also will give ya a quote from J.D. Crowe "banjo players are different".

Paper_Ninja Says:
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @5:45:09 PM

Thank you all for the warm welcome. I wouldn't say so much that my tastes are changing, just expanding. I've always loved the doesn't really sound like anything else. That's how my taste are really. I like things that sound different. I would love to eventually combine my musical taste. Playing punk on a banjo just sounds fun.

flowerofthewest Says:
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @7:03:02 PM

Hey, at least it didn't take moving to another country to find you like different music!  ;-)

I was really into rock, new age and celtic music living in California.  I moved to England and married an Englishman who sings and plays country music.  We're now into the old time / bluegrass scene here in the UK and I play banjo.  Go figure...

Enjoy your banjo journey.  I love mine!


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