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Posted by banjo~gal on Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hi all you banjo pickerrrss :-)

I'm looking forward to 15th of March coz my Dad has booked a recording studio for me and some friends to make a CD :-D yayy!! It's my birthday present (my birthday is 13th March) so i'm sooo looking forward to it! It will have loads of banjo on it but also some rock/pop tunes on it too! I'll see if i can upload the tracks on here at some point but we'll seeeee.... :-)

I'll be singing, playing banjo and guitar and I have a rhythm guitar buddy and another guitar buddy and another friend who can play the drums and flut and it should be good!

anyway, we will have to practice the tracks we are going to record and theres no time like the present :-)

Keeeeep Pickkiinnn'!!.....I know where you live!! ;-)

~Home Is Where The Banjo Is~


12 comments on “!!CD!!”

KevinP Says:
Saturday, January 5, 2008 @8:20:44 AM

Wow, what neat birthday present. Have fun!

strokestyle Says:
Saturday, January 5, 2008 @11:57:51 AM

Happy B-day and enjoy!

Just Bill Says:
Saturday, January 5, 2008 @12:34:52 PM

Congratulations on a very cool birthday gift and happy birthday, Hannah.

Bill Breen, Tucson, AZ

wrightedward Says:
Saturday, January 5, 2008 @9:06:42 PM

Great gift ,this one will last a life time ,enjoy and post it if and when you can

laojim Says:
Saturday, January 5, 2008 @10:47:37 PM

We all want to hear it!!

JAVink Says:
Monday, January 7, 2008 @12:19:19 PM

Look forward to hearing you....Good Luck!

Lee Says:
Thursday, January 10, 2008 @8:08:21 PM

Sounds like a kool b-day gift .... have a quistion... have u ever heard od charles wood??? if not he is a vry good banjo player...played with steve martin earl scruggs, and a couple other guys can't remember name.... have a good recording

banjoboy92 Says:
Saturday, January 12, 2008 @12:58:02 PM

Happy Birthday Hannah, hope the recording goes well. 

Lee, Charles Wood is awesome.  I've had some lessons from him before.  It all went over my head, lol.  There's his website Hannah.


flange5st Says:
Sunday, January 20, 2008 @12:46:55 PM

Hey Hannah...what a neat birthday present...........lay the thumb to the ol' five string....I know you will............peace

Banjophobic Says:
Friday, February 8, 2008 @4:42:10 PM

A CD from "The Three Hannah's"...finally! I'll be LOOKING for my copy in the mail !

Lee Says:
Thursday, March 6, 2008 @6:55:23 PM

Its nearing recording time Show Em' how Its done

Jack Baker Says:
Saturday, March 29, 2008 @10:38:36 AM

Hi Hannah,

I'ts time for another note to you. You sound wonderful on banjo and continue to improve--quite amazing as you've only been at it for a little more than a year. 

I'm glad you're on camera so I can see you play and that million dollar you girl....Jack


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