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I guess I'm gonna be a Recording King player

Posted by FriPilot on Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Well neighbors, after a lot of reading, perusing, asking and use of The Force,
I decided to buy The Banjo Hut's Recording King RK-20 beginner's package.
It just seemed to "find me" and I (almost) always listen to my little voice.

The banjo, DVD, Book, Picks. Tuner, Strap, Hardcase and Professional Setup
(as opposed to crappy setup) and free shipping all for only $399.
Ya can't beat that deal with a stick!

Now, all I have to do is to twiddle my thumbs until it gets here and I can start to remember the little I used to know about picking.

Old dogs - new tricks.

More to come ~

FriPilot / Jon

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3 comments on “I guess I'm gonna be a Recording King player”

DandyRandy Says:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @1:08:21 AM

Well, you're getting 2 banjos in one. The RK-20 is  the same banjo as the Morgan Monroe MNB-1 except for some peg head differnces. I own the MNB-1. A Snuffy Smith III bridge really made a difference. It's a good banjo for the price, probably one of the best for the price. Have fun!

FriPilot Says:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @1:16:35 AM

That's interesting, Randy. One of my other considered purchases was the MM MNB-1 as well as the Gold Tone CC100R.
I'll enjoy just seeing how I think it sounds out of the box, then might consider some customizations.


HoosierGal Says:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @1:22:16 AM

Hi Jon, hey.. I bought the exact same pkg from the same place in June, and I love it.. I ordered it on a Sunday night and it was here Wednesday night. However.. if you can make a call before they ship it, and have them check the screws inside the resonator, please do. Mine came loose/popped out the first time I took the thing off and put it back on again.. and I'm still fiddling with them. Others have had the same problem. If you're wondering what I'm taking about and you can see the two videos i put up. I bought some resin/epoxy to fix the problem.. Hopefully it'll work. Good luck with the new banjo.. I really love mine, and it's purdy too.

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