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3 comments on “I guess I'm gonna be a Recording King player”
DandyRandy Says:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @1:08:21 AM
Well, you're getting 2 banjos in one. The RK-20 is the same banjo as the Morgan Monroe MNB-1 except for some peg head differnces. I own the MNB-1. A Snuffy Smith III bridge really made a difference. It's a good banjo for the price, probably one of the best for the price. Have fun!
FriPilot Says:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @1:16:35 AM
That's interesting, Randy. One of my other considered purchases was the MM MNB-1 as well as the Gold Tone CC100R.
I'll enjoy just seeing how I think it sounds out of the box, then might consider some customizations.
HoosierGal Says:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @1:22:16 AM
Hi Jon, hey.. I bought the exact same pkg from the same place in June, and I love it.. I ordered it on a Sunday night and it was here Wednesday night. However.. if you can make a call before they ship it, and have them check the screws inside the resonator, please do. Mine came loose/popped out the first time I took the thing off and put it back on again.. and I'm still fiddling with them. Others have had the same problem. If you're wondering what I'm taking about www.youtube.com/hoosinhere and you can see the two videos i put up. I bought some resin/epoxy to fix the problem.. Hopefully it'll work. Good luck with the new banjo.. I really love mine, and it's purdy too.
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