Posted by BEEFUS on Wednesday, November 14, 2007
SO, foax, lemme tell you the awfuls story uv th last munth. BEEFUS were kidnapt by black-clad Hench Men an thrown inna durty Chikken Koop an kept prizner. An BEEFUS's evil cuzzin BEIFUSS took hims place an tried to take ovur th wurld. But BEEFUS eskape frum Chikken Koop an fight evil Hench Mens uv BEIFUSS. Finully, BEEFUS korner BEIFUSS atop moving Freight Trayn. Hi, BEIFUSS you are Ded, OK, sez BEEFUS. That what YOU think hahahaha, sez BEIFUSS. You gots to get past my Secret Kung Foo Champion. Then BEIFUSS leap frum train, an behind him, gruntin and droolin, with red eyes, are nun uther than...EARL SCRUGGS!
Yes, that rite! EARL wuz behind its all! Earl lunge at BEEFUS an try to thro him frum train. BEEFUS duck back out uv th way, but EARL keep on comin! We fighted foar six oar seven hours, an finally EARL sez: How Bowt we settle this with a Banjo Contest?
BEEFUS temporarily forgots that EARL SCRUGGS are a pritty formidable banjo pikker, so hims say Sure!
Well, EARL pick up hims famous Banjo (it are a Hondo, real fancy) and wow, him sure can pick! He play "Cripple Creek with oanly wun or two mistakes, it pretty hard to beat.
BEEFUS not kno wut to do. BEEFUS only know wun banjo tune (Bach's Grand Fugue in F# Minor).
Jus then, who jump out frum behind a bush? BEYONCE! Yup! She are wun hot mama, too! Beyonce say Are this guy botherin you BEEFUS? Then she whip owt a Pre War Hondo an wow! she go to town! She play Fire On Th Mowntain, Run Boys Run, Devil's In the House uv the Risin Sun, Chikken in the Bred Pan Pikkin Owt Dough, and Granny Do Yer Dawg Bite (No, Child, No).
Poor EARL! Guess he'll hav to practice a while to beat Beyonce!
Anyway, evil are vanquished an Beyonce take BEEFUS back to her posh digs. She gots a round bed, imagine that! ;-)
An BEEFUS are back! Watch fer new stuff soon!
on “BEEFUS are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Bongshang Says:
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 @3:24:45 PM
Good to see you back Beefus. Lookin' forward to the new stuff,
TheBoog Says:
Saturday, December 1, 2007 @10:44:17 AM
The King has returned !
TheBoog Says:
Saturday, December 1, 2007 @10:48:29 AM
BEIFUSS are a evil cad!!!
beniah Says:
Saturday, December 1, 2007 @11:04:37 PM
Welcome back, mon ami! Et, quand est que vous visite le sud de Vermonte? Partiqulement Brattleboro? Come soon! We need some hot beef infection!
Sunday, December 2, 2007 @2:41:22 AM
BEEFUS dit que je visiterai le sud de Mont Ver l'annee prochaine, quand mon viel band reuniter dans une petite reunion near Brattleboro. Send BEEFUS une email, et il send you the deetails!
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