Posted by BadMojo on Sunday, November 4, 2007
I know it is after Halloween, but I can only imagine how upset Frankenstein is. I completely understand because somehow I ended up with his hands.
I promise to take good care of them Frank. I will treat them as if they are my own. No manicure, no hand massage will be too good for your hands. I can only hope that if pampered correctly they will soon start to move with some form of mediocre abandon along my banjo's fretboard.
You see Frank I'm just as upset as you. I recently acquired this beautiful Stelling Golden Cross, my dream banjo. I feel as if I can do nothing back sit back and admire her beauty because if I were to bring your hands to her luscious curves my love affair may be over.
Frank I'm worried about what horrible result of combining your hands with my beloved banjo. She did nothing to illicit such ruffian atrocities upon her beauty. One such as she should not have to suffer the thought that such awkward mitts would ever come into contact with her.
So Frank with that thought, if you would be so kind as to ever be in my neck of the woods. I would appreciate one small favor. Could you please bring some hands worth touching my beloved with, because to be quite truthful "yours suck!".
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