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Posted by luthier99 on Wednesday, October 17, 2007

No matter what your doing, what's the most important thing to be successful?  To have FUN!  This is true in all aspects of life.  Some may say that practice is the most important, indomitable spirit, or perseverance.  These are all true, but to have fun is the single greatest avenue to success.  Now I'm not saying that no matter what you want to be successful at you have to always be having fun doing it.  What I'm saying is that you must enjoy yourself overall.  There will be times when you don't want to pick up your banjo, go to karate practice, and especially go to work, but if you realize that your goal is to have fun and you push yourself to do so, you will be successful.  Successful people always started out by doing what they love to do.  When you love to do something it's FUN.  So wether your goal is to be a great banjo player, plummer, sales person, or woodworker, remember the most important thing of all, HAVE FUN, because life is fun, and we all want to be successful!

3 comments on “JUST HAVE FUN!”

Hopalong Says:
Thursday, October 18, 2007 @12:16:32 AM

You must be one hell of a sales person. Your favorites also indicate a person of sophisticated musical interests

luthier99 Says:
Thursday, October 18, 2007 @10:00:37 PM

sophisticated as indoor plumbing.

mrphysics55 Says:
Sunday, October 21, 2007 @7:37:19 PM

Brian, I should have copyrighted the "Having Fun" comments, I've made, in the past. I could have made a Nickle or two off of this Blog! :>) Peace to you as well. Eddie

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