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Next mileston - recording solo

Posted by beanseo on Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I just made the leap into the 21st century and bought a cheap voice recorder (Sandisk Sansa) and took a stab at recording Barlow Knife.  I can tell that my timing is off here and there, and I could be playing a lot cleaner, but it's a first time and, well, I hold no ambitions for professional playing.  I would like to sound as nice as I can, but what the heck.  Anywho, there it is.  If you listen closely you can hear my wee doggie growling in the background.  It's easy to assume she's growling at my playing, but she's actually just trying to intimidate a passer-by across the street.  Honest!

4 comments on “Next mileston - recording solo”

HoosierGal Says:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 @7:15:47 PM

LOL.. if you say so Rob.  But seriously, if she were actually verbalizing her feelings of your playing, I'm sure it would be in howling form rather than growling. So, I believe you. lol

banjotef Says:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 @7:56:30 PM

I bought an Olympus voice recorder,  and it does very well with an external mic.    I'm going to Bean Blossom tomorrow to see Grasstowne and the Steep Canyon Rangers,  will record their sessions for my collection!  I will not sell these recordings,  these guys are entitled to all the money they can get!

quikcarl Says:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 @8:36:58 PM

Keep on keeping on Rob, I just purchased a Zoom H2 digital recorder and man what a recorder. Its no bigger than a cd case and it has awesome capabilities, as I have recorded a friend with his guitar, no distortion or background noise. Soon I'll get the courage to record myself on there also. Oh and it is also has the components with it to hook up to the computer and download the files to burn to a cd, I think its gonna be cool, good luck with your music and keepon playing.

Joanchek Says:
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 @12:09:55 AM

Rob, I record myself on a little iRiver mp3 player, and it suits my needs just fine.  I also notice that I can immediately hear any variances in timing.  I also often have my parakeets squawking in the background.  I like to think they're singing along;  they're probably screaming in panic!  Anyway, I find that recording myself now and again is the best way to really gauge my progress as objectively as I possibly can.  I hope it's as useful a tool for you as it is for me.

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