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Seasons change.

Posted by luthier99 on Friday, September 14, 2007

As the season in New Hampshire changes from summer into fall, I look back once again.  As I grew up in NH, I never met a person who played banjo, fiddle, old time, or even listened to old time music.  In 2000, I moved to Wartrace, TN.  Suddenly, old time music and instruments were all around me.  I just "got-it".  I fell in love with all the different sounds that ranged from gritty to pretty.  It all seemed to tell a story, a part of history, still being relative to my personal life and (in my opinion) the world.  I absorbed this culture.  Lived it.  In 2004, I returned to NH.  I was excited to share with everyone.  As I shared, I started to see old time existing right here in NH.  Lots of old time music lovers, both far and wide.  It was here all the time, but it took a change for me to notice.  I still "get-it" and I'm still in love.  As the seasons change I continue to discover new beautiful aspects of life all around me.  As a child I marveled at the vibrant colors the leaves turn in New England.  I will enjoy it again soon!  As I do, I will stop and look around quietly and humbley.  I will tell my son, fiance, and my family how much I love them.  I will sit and strum my banjo.

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