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Where do I start

Posted by Christine on Monday, September 10, 2007

How do people fit their banjo playin in iwththe rest of the day? I am trying hard but never seem to gt to it, and I dream of playing not just pretending.

I leave for work at 6am and get home about 7pm, there is the cooking, cleaning and general running about after cats people and goats... then I have to knit or spin and it is already time for bed. I am thinking of popping the banjo in the car so on my lunch breaks I can pop out and have a bit of a pluck... but I can just magine the security cameras picking that up... "candid camera" for all to see! that would be funny.

Hinestly, I just do not know how to fit it all in. My sister told me if I want to be a good player I have to live breathe and sleep banjo... I hve trouble even playing a banjo CD in my house without complaints fro the others. Two men who claim that banjo music and country music is not music... I admit, the way I murder a tune on the banjo is sometimes to a thing to worry about but atleast they can appreciate the tapes and cds I play...

time flies yet again and I have to get back to my work... Until next time...

9 comments on “Where do I start”

Joanchek Says:
Monday, September 10, 2007 @11:55:17 PM

Christine, you have to get your family to realize that this is important to you.  If they help out for just a few minutes every evening, you'll have a half an hour to practice.  Leave the banjo out... play every opportunity you can, even if it's just for 5 or 10 minutes.  Those minutes add up. 

What YOU want is just as important to a happy, healthy household as what everyone else wants. 

Sid Langley Says:
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 @1:18:00 AM

Joan (as usual) has got it right - it's something for you and everyone around you has to realise that . May family HATES the banjo. They'll put up with guitars and harmonicas because they've got used to them over the years. Now I've had to put aside everything except the banjo in the hop of making progress. I find that quick bursts - five or ten minutes in passing - works well. You can actually practice rolls with the strings completely muted - it will just get that right hand muscle memory working. Pick and grin becomes pick and grit your teeth around here sometimes ... don't give up!

clawfootcurt Says:
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 @11:28:01 AM

Christine, sounds like you are in a tough situation.  I hope everybody else is not sittin' around while you wait on them.  I personnaly enjoy helping out with the housework so my sweety can practice on her dulcimer.  Good Luck.

u k sandra Says:
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 @5:35:39 PM

Now you know why a lot of us are retired. We don`t all have husbands like clawfootcurt, mores the pity.

Christine Vann Says:
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 @5:58:11 PM

u k sandra you are so right. yes my man and his father expect things to be done for them... a lot ! But a funny think happened, like you are all my banjo angels... I got home last night and was about to start dinner when 'lo and behold... the father-in-sin had done the dishes. This is the first time in 14 years! I hear what I is want is important too and it was as if somethign snapped yesterday... thank you all for the support. it is way more than I expected. I love the inspiration I get from other banjo minded people... I am working on a wall mount and should have the banjo out permanently by this weekend.

airborne Says:
Tuesday, January 1, 2008 @4:58:52 PM

I cant think of a better place to play the banjo, than a field of            lavender. roll on sumer. John.

Christine Says:
Tuesday, January 1, 2008 @9:18:30 PM

John, you said it. Last year was wonderful in the lavender with banjos in the background. this year... may be too hot. It was 40'C in the shade last yesterday in the shade... hotter in the sun... any metal on the banjo just heat up and burnt if you touched it... strings did not like it either! it was still 38C at 10:30pm... today is a little cooler so I will try again! love that cycle... been a long time since I have been on one... (drunk in the Barossa Valley in the snow). Actually, after a few wine tastins I fell off more times than I stayed on... talk about bruised.

Spockears Says:
Monday, June 20, 2011 @12:08:30 PM

I keep a banjo at work for the very reasons you describe. This adds about 30-45 mins to my practice time. Also means I never go for more than 4 hours without picking up the banjo.

Christine Says:
Sunday, June 26, 2011 @10:55:51 PM

What a brilliant idea Spockears... and now I have secure parking... lunchtimes can be spend in my car... cool. The acoustics will be brilliant too. Yes, a whole week at home and no banjo... I shocked myself... no wool shopping and no banjo... there really must be something wrong with me

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