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Posted by benhockenberry on Monday, September 3, 2007
2 comments on “Disclaimers et al.”
TomJoad Says:
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 @12:18:30 PM
I play in the trad Irish music sessions here in Manchester, England. A short necked tenor banjo would be easier for Irish music--the frets are not so widely spaced as on a five string. Easier for attaining speed don't you think?
benhockenberry Says:
Monday, November 12, 2007 @7:12:12 PM
Very true! Another plus of the tenor is that you get basically an entire extra string to play with -- having to rearrange songs to have a D base kills a lot of the fun Scots tunes. But I think the real reason is I have to keep myself from buying a third banjo...for at least a couple more years! [grin]
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