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Posted by Jimkelly85 on Thursday, June 29, 2023
Any recommendations for new banjos around $1,000? Gold tone BG-150F and RK-R35 Madison tone ring were recommended.
1 comment on “Recommendations for new banjos price point is $1,000”
thisoldman Says:
Thursday, June 29, 2023 @8:14:33 PM
Not many people will see this blog post as it is not in one of the forums. I only saw it because it came up in "newest posts" on the right side of the page.
RK is the default recommendation for those seeking an intermediate level banjo at your price point. I am a Gold Tone fan, but the 150F will only get you a flat bar "tone ring" which is not really a true tone ring. If you go with an GT OB-150, then you will get a true tone ring..but...there is a $200 dollar difference. If the RK35 and the BG-150F are your two options, the RK makes more sense. Well respected in the banjo community, will probably hold it's value better.
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