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Sorry BHO I keep forgetting to check back BUT...

Posted by snowbirdbanjo on Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Snowbird Banjo Company


With so many Social Media options out there and the fact I don't use any of them a lot anyways, it's not until im working on something that is related to banjo hangout that I remember, "oh yeah, ... when was the last time I posted on BHO"? So, that's where I must say, sorry for the lack of BHO Love.  It wasn't really intentional.

Banjo building has been ramping up for me. I'm getting a lot of ducks in a row for a better turnaround time. I've moved up to using shapers for a few cuts that helps to speed up neck shaping, though I am still doing the main shaping by hand at this point. The big news is the implimentation of Steam bent rims. I have finally got my methods figured out and all the jigs and clamps built and acquired to make it happen. My first batch of 6 rims went pretty quick. The very first one was discarded due to gaps but after that one, I figured out how to make it more consistent. 


Marijuana Mastertone


So with that major hurdle out of the way, the next hurdle is building my own Resonators for Resonator banjos. I'm currently working a humdinger of a Archtop custom. It was my full intention to build the resonator for this one, but the customer want's it sooner than I have time to build the press, so I purchased that one. From now on though, I'll be doing my own. 

I've recently updated my site to make it more interesting and useful. I also have some future design plans that I am working on in the background. 

If you're interested, signup for the Snowbird Banjo Newsletter (dont worry, I dont post there enough either so it wont be spammy), follow me on Instagram and facebook... and comment on this post and I'll try to show BHO more love. Speaking of love, I now have a link for BHO on my website that links to the reviews customers have made on BHO. So, there's that.

Thanks again!

Jeremy Myers

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