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Too tired to roll

Posted by Dobro Cop on Monday, August 27, 2007

Today has been one of those days I promised my self as a kid learning to pick would never happened.  I had the desire to pick , but just didn't have the drive to Git R Done.  It is bad to get old. I only hope this is not a developing trend.

3 comments on “Too tired to roll”

firebud Says:
Monday, August 27, 2007 @10:34:36 PM

hey Scott,  you know  even convicts get time off for good behavior.and tomorrow is still another day.      BUD

PruchaLegend Says:
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 @12:52:34 AM

You're only 42! What do you know about getting old? You kids just have to develop a little self discipline.

That being said, some days are just like that. And, as Bud said, you need a little time off once in a while too.

Tomorrow's another day.

Dobro Cop Says:
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 @8:56:29 AM

Sorry folks for my pitty party.  I am a School Resource Officer assigned to two schools. Both are very active and have things going on all the time, not to mention taking care of my own house.

Yeah I know people who have kids still go on, but I have around 1200 kids that I help see to.  So you see folks I am a little tired right now.  I was just thinking out loud and put it to paper so to speak.

I'll stop belly aching now and start playing : )   Oh yeah, I play for the kids quite a bit.


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