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Posted by ttriglide12 on Friday, April 13, 2018
Anybody own one of these, would like to know sound quality and if your happy with it, . thinking about buying one and would rather here reviews from an owner than a seller.
2 comments on “Reviews Recording King R-75 , RK-85”
dbull Says:
Friday, April 13, 2018 @5:57:41 AM
The RK 75 Elite is a longer scale banjo 27.50 inch, I don't know about the scale on the 85.
ttriglide12 Says:
Friday, April 13, 2018 @6:25:58 AM
thanks for the comment, talked to banjo teacher and he recommended , the RK85, said
it had bite and ring all banjo players wanted. there is not any recording king dealers near me
so im trying to find owners who can give me their opinion. thanks
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