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New feature: member tagging!

Posted by schlange on Tuesday, September 26, 2017

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We just took a new (beta) feature live, and I'd love for everyone to give it a try!

You can now tag members in blog comments. You accomplish this by typing @ followed by at least 3 characters. This performs a search of active members by username and brings up a list you can pick from. Choose the member you want to tag, finish and submit your post, and you're all set!

Right now, if you tag a member they will receive an email alert with a link to view your comment. In the future we will give members a choice of how they want to receive alerts, but for now this was the simplest setup.

Of course, our plan is to roll this out to the forums and other areas of the site ASAP. I know member tagging will be a real game changer in the forums, since it will let members reference other members easily, making their own post more informative while bringing others into the conversation.

Give it a try, and let me know what you think!

16 comments on “New feature: member tagging!”

schlange Says:
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 @12:11:57 PM

I'll be the first to tag someone: how about the great frailin (Craig (frailin) Evans) or even Banjophobic (John Boulding)?

banjoy Says:
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 @1:46:24 PM

Interesting feature. A couple of comments, this may not be the appropriate place as some involves bugs. First, when I type @ then thee characters, the list comes up but is not alphabetical at all. And, the list does not scroll, it just goes off the page and the members listed off the page are not accessible. Also, if I do not choose a name, but click back in the text box to continue typing, the list does not go away. It stays on top, in the way, at least for me on this mo'chine (old Mac, old FireFox). And, finally, I know that when you a member is logged in, only then are real names revealed (unless, of course, the real name IS the user name). So does this mean that using this feature will put the username and real name in the insertion, visible to even anyone not logged in? Not a problem for me, but by design you don't display real names to viewers unless they are logged in, so at first glance, this features seems to not be in agreement with that other design feature. I could be wrong so my apologies if I am, I'm just pointing out what pops right out to me on first blush, my intent is to help. Anyway, until the list-scroll works I couldn't give it a whirl. Will be interesting to see if/how it's used by members, who knows it could be the next fidget spinner :)

schlange Says:
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 @5:03:34 PM

List is now alphabetized banjoy, and we're only showing usernames.

I don't think we'll be putting a scrollbar on the list... it's up to you to type enough characters that the list gets short enough to use.

I would like for the escape key to work to close the menu... I'll have to work on that one. If you click somewhere off the page (not in the text input area or the popup list of usernames) it closes that popup. But there should be another way to close it besides that. Escape key would be the logical choice.

Boadicea Says:
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 @5:08:49 PM

This is a fantastic feature. It makes it so much easier to have conversations with other members throughout other forums that I belong to - it is a great option!

banjoy Says:
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 @8:31:20 PM

Ok I see an email that came in from your post above. As far as closing the popup, may add an "x" to close it, which is something to consider, also familiar to users.

Will there be an opt-out setting for this feature?

schlange Says:
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 @8:36:06 PM

Hey banjoy: there will be a way to opt out of receiving the notification emails, yes.

danielburdett Says:
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 @9:18:00 PM

schlange awesome feature! I've been waiting for the ability to tag people in posts. Keep up the good work. I'm loving the new site.

Banjophobic Says:
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 @9:58:38 PM

Very cool New feature Eric!

Boadicea Says:
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 @10:04:46 PM

I keep getting this when I try to post to this thread.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'cint'

/global/global_functions.asp, line 4605

Does that mean anything to you?

schlange Says:
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 @12:37:57 PM

Boadicea: fixed it!

Marc Nerenberg Says:
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 @1:15:42 PM

I'm gonna love this in the forums and in the comments to the videos, so I sure hope you get it up and running there soon schlange !

Boadicea Says:
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 @10:23:26 PM

Thanks schlange !

warpdrive Says:
Thursday, October 12, 2017 @8:32:58 AM

I'll play the Devils Advocate Here(i already do it so well).
It comes across to me as being altered to when your being talked about, and not always in a good way.(yeah, i know i should improve on that anyway.)
But i do like the feature..........So far!

Alex Z Says:
Monday, October 16, 2017 @9:46:10 PM

How do I opt out of being tagged?

banjered Says:
Friday, October 20, 2017 @6:43:54 AM

Sure hope you get the opt-put going soon. My email box is already too full of debris. To me the forced tagging is an unauthorized over-reach of using our personal information without our express permission. I remain grateful for the rest of BHO. banjered

From Greylock to Bean Blossom Says:
Monday, October 23, 2017 @4:47:46 AM

In the old format, if you wanted to notify someone to look at a thread, you had to pull up a box, type in an address and add some content to a dialog box. this is certainly much easier. i don't know why people complain about being tagged because there was always that option of notifying before. this is much easier.

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