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A summer wind brings a breath of change and lots of travel and shows...

Posted by Clawdan on Sunday, May 28, 2017

Good morning friends. I am as Strawberry Music Festival as I write today and in some ways this is just an update of the last post about summer travels. I will be following the schedule below and there are some updates so please go to my website – – to find the latest. I do have a week off here in the hills so if you might like to put an impromptu concert together for Wednesday evening, I could be there. Bay area, Las Vegas (a bit of a drive but might be worth it).

But, I did want to clarify a post I made a couple of weeks ago in one of the forums on the "Clawdan: Fiddle From Scratch" thread on the Banjo Hangout.

The schedule is happening! I am at Strawberry Music Festival (it runs May 25-29 this year - Memorial Day Weekend) in Grass Valley, California where I have been helping vend with The Music Caravan booth - and have my books and CD’s there for sale as well as an assortment of items and instruments. I don’t have a performance at this one but hey; perhaps you can stop by and schedule a private lesson in our green room. This is also a good time to catch me for a lesson in the region as I should have some spots to teach and hopefully a good skype connection for about a week before a show and workshops in Reno at The Mountain Music Parlor June 3rd before heading back over to Roseville, CA and The Strum Shop June 9 and 10 where I’ll be doing a concert as well as a clawhammer banjo workshop and fiddle workshop. Right after that it’s CBA (California Bluegrass Association’s) annual Music Camp in Grass Valley - June 11-14 - where I am teaching a String Band Workhop. The camp is followed by the ever famous Fathers Day Bluegrass Festival where again I’ll be helping out at Music Caravan’s booth. Molsky’s Mountain Drifters and The Freighthoppers will both be at the festival as well (Bruce is teaching at camp) so there is plenty for the Old Time crowd at this one.

Since I have some down time between events and it is a long (strange?) trip up and back, I’m still looking to fill in some dates with “on the way” gigs. Think house concert, workshop or private lessons. Email me at and let’s get something going!

Not to leave my students for too long, I’ll be back in Tucson sometime later in the week of June 20 and plan to be around throughout July. I’ll be anchoring the Tucson Open Band for the July 15 dance so if you want to join in for some good old time music come on and “join the band”! I’ll also be playing the August 5 dance with my Cat Mountain Rounders.

Phew, almost up to date!

Okay, next up I am planning to head up to the Centrailia Campout August 13-20. Folks say it is awesome and I’ve just never been! ROAD TRIP! BUT of course y’all know me, I’ve scheduled quite a few events on the way to and from including a house concert and workshops right before Centraila and a fiddle workshop and concert at Kennedy Violins in Vancouver, WA and a stop in Ashville, OR on the way back south. I’m looking for some more gigs on the way up (northern CA) since be staying around until the Fall Strawberry festival which runs August 31 through September 4 before heading back down to Tucson (AGAIN) for some rest before playing the Phoenix dance Sept 9 with the Cat Mountain Rounders. All the details are on my webpage schedule at

SO, thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes and I hope to see many of you during the busy summer ahead. Get in touch if you want to schedule a lesson, concert, workshop or just to say “Hi”. I wish you all a wonderful musical summer ahead! Till then…

Play Nice
Dan Clawdan Levenson

1 comment on “A summer wind brings a breath of change and lots of travel and shows...”

dbrooks Says:
Sunday, May 28, 2017 @4:42:24 PM

Thanks for the updates, Dan. We should feel somewhat privileged that you are willing to share this personal information with us. There's not much we can do to help other than wish for you Jennifer to come out of this healthy and whole. We cannot always choose how we are to grow. I hope that a number of people take advantage of you passing through their area and reach out to schedule a lesson, workshop or concert.

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