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New Geiger Tone Amp For Banjos

Posted by yellowdog on Tuesday, May 9, 2017



GREAT NEWS!  I finally finished my efforts to develop a new, highly efficient and easy to use "Tone Amplifier for Banjos"  and will soon start selling them by mail.  This Banjo Tone Amp is every bit an advance in the state-of-the-art related to musical instruments, as well as a practical use of sound surface waves, so I'm particularly pleased to be able to announce it here on Banjo Hangout. 

To date the Banjo Tone Amp has received very good reviews by two testers - one a professional tenor banjoist and the other by a five string banjoist, and it will soon be reviewed in "Banjo Newsletter", so five string players should watch for that review.

The new Tone Amp uses the banjo's own sound surface waves that flow around the inside surface of the banjo's wood rim to greatly increase the banjo's volume and sound quality.  At first this seems unbelievable because the Tone Amp is so simple - being nothing more than heavy paper, two types of clear plastic tape, three staples and thin polygons of steel, brass, and maple which are selected by the player to change the  "character" of the sound.  Nevertheless, this happens and is easily explained in our 3-page (PDF file) handout titled "Theory and Directions", which we'll be happy to email you at no charge or mail to you for $1. 

The polygons not only change the character of the sound but can work together in a stack to form a tiny "loudspeaker" to achieve exceptional volume on the lower right of the tone amp.

Guitar players and mandolin players should be aware that the Banjo Tone Amp ONLY works on banjos and not on other instruments such as guitars and mandolins.  This is because sound surface waves on a banjo's wood rim move repeatedly over a circular path, are concentrated, are highly directional and are accessible for modification without interfering with the banjo head - the banjo's main sound emitter.

Price for the Banjo Tone Amp is not set but it will probably be about $20.  I'll put an ad up on BHO when they are ready to be sold so please watch for the ad.  In the meantime if you want to know more send me an email for our free 3-page handout, "Theory and  Directions For Use" (PDF file).

Almost forgot - Check out the drawing of the Banjo Tone Amp in the Photos Section here by clicking on the Photos Button above my picture.

Frank Geiger

(Added May 11, 2017 )  MORE GREAT NEWS!  Yesterday I learned that "Banjo Newsletter", the  5-string

magazine, will publish a review of my Banjo Tone Amp in their June issue.  I've also placed an 1/4 page ad in the same issue.  Please watch for them,                                          




2 comments on “New Geiger Tone Amp For Banjos”

beachsnake Says:
Wednesday, June 7, 2017 @1:32:55 PM

I have had my Mastertone for 53 years and have attempted to modify the tone in different fashions. Please keep me posted as to when these will be available. I am most interested in these devices.

yellowdog Says:
Wednesday, June 7, 2017 @1:48:56 PM

Hi beachsnake,
The tone amps are available now for $19 plus $1 postage. Add $5 for an optional 3-piece tone kit containing three pre-taped tone pieces of steel, brass and maple which can be used to replace or stack on top of the steel that comes with the tone amp. I just posted a new photo here showing the just added "wire whip amplifiers" (no extra charge) that have greatly improved the volume and sound quality of my Mastertone. You can order by credit card through Paypal noting credit to Geiger Acoustic Devices.

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