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2 comments on “I got some awesome new music at the Nashville Clawhammer Camp - highly recommended!”
dbrooks Says:
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 @1:32:12 PM
Another powerhouse banjo weekend, John. Interestingly, "Ruby With the Eyes That Sparkle" is in our rotation at the Louisville contra dances. We played it last night, in fact. For those who may not know, this tune comes from the movie, "Cold Mountain." Dirk Powell created a version of "Shove That Pig's Foot Further into the Fire," chaning the key from G to D. It is a fun tune to play.
rgoad Says:
Thursday, April 27, 2017 @11:15:49 AM
I don't doubt it! This is a great camp and I recognise some of the names on the poster and wish I could have been there. So many really awesome instructors and 'musos' and the students are awesome and mutually supportive. Your class, last Fall, on setting up a hide head was awesome, too. Adam Hurt alone is worth the trip. He could teach my cat to play and has the patience of Job. I will go again when I don't have to work. Worth every penny, and then some.
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