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New banjo arrives! pix

Posted by maryzcox on Saturday, August 11, 2007

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The new John Hartford arrived yesterday at dinner time. Whoa--knew it would be pretty--but the sound is awesome! Bob couldn't believe it! We've heard some other John Hartford banjos before--but never one that sounded like this! Our digital camera is broken--so these pix were taken with a cell phone and are a little blurry. :(

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8 comments on “New banjo arrives! pix”

unclewalt Says:
Saturday, August 11, 2007 @11:33:29 AM

Very Fancy!!   I like the black head.  Can those be purchased separately??....Not that I'm contemplating takng my banjo apart just to install a black drum head!!.....Walt

maryzcox Says:
Saturday, August 11, 2007 @11:50:45 AM

Hello Walt,

Everything on this John Hartford is stock. The only extras were the gold hardware and the black head.

They just put a black head on it instead of the one that came with it.  I think you can order a black head directly from them. I ordered a clear head from them for my custom banjo and it was very inexpensive and they sent it right away.  The gold hardware would be harder to add as you would need to change all the hardware on an existing banjo.  It is easy if you are ordering the banjo--you just pay the extra fee for gold and they put it on instead of the nickel.

The only thing I may think about changing on it are the tuning pegs. (not the tuners) The pegs are a high grade white plastic and look nice with the banjo--but a set of real black pearl pegs (they are a smoky gray with little swirls of abalone highlights) would really set off this banjo well. Maybe I'll start saving for them. :)

Walt--the sound on this banjo is incredible--really love it!

Best wishes always,

Mary Z. Cox



bjango53 Says:
Saturday, August 11, 2007 @12:11:07 PM

That is a great looking banjo but I think you are absolutely right, it does need black tuner knobs just to really finish it. Awesome.

brokenstrings Says:
Saturday, August 11, 2007 @9:15:01 PM

Way cool, Mary!

Sid Langley Says:
Sunday, August 12, 2007 @3:15:24 AM

.................................................That's my representation of an awed silence ... Deering rules!

flowerofthewest Says:
Sunday, August 12, 2007 @10:41:49 PM

Hi Mary,

Congratulations on your new banjo!  :-)  Wow!  Very striking!

I love my new Hartford!  Very easy to play and the sound is incredible.  Great minds think alike, eh?  I'll post pictures soon..


valdae Says:
Monday, August 13, 2007 @12:00:14 PM

Congrats, Mary.  It looks wonderful and I'm sure sounds fantastic.  I went to Folk of the wood over the weekend to see and hear the Hartford in action [quick time vids].  I was most impressed with its tonal quality compared to other high end banjos.  You definitely have a keeper there.

GerryH Says:
Monday, August 13, 2007 @12:17:02 PM


What a wonderful addition to your family of banjos. I imagine it sounds as good as it looks. Congrats!





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