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It's been a while since I've said anything on here, and alot has changed since my last blog.
I'm no longer playing bass in the trio I was in, long story short, after a few month break due to house reno's and such, I was eager to start again, until our first meeting. I realized, it wasn't for me. My musical tastes and preferences had changed drastically. I had always known that what we were doing wasn't really my cup of tea, and it was time to go. Unfortunately, a good friend I had been playing music with since high school (one of the guitarists in the trio), didn't take the news of me leaving too well, and we haven't spoken since. Ahh well, c'est la vie....
Soooo, between finishing up the house, the job, the odd playing bass at parties, fishing, tying flies and practicing the banjo, I would say it`s going good. I`ve been using tabs from here to figure out the tunes that I wan`t to learn, and also Geoff Hohwald`s Banjo books and videos to learn rhythm and backup, and all in all I would say, for the time I`m able to put in, I`m not doing too bad... At least that`s what my beautiful wife says...
I`m usually here and check the forums daily, just to see what`s new.... Anyways enough for now, gotta go see the forums....lol..
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