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I've come to think that only in our posh, US industrial complex could we afford this free time sitting around on BHO nit-picking folk music playing styles.
Back when "old time" music was just called music (say, Depression-era and before), it was played without pretense or scrutiny at the end of a hard workweek. It was meant to blow off steam and to get people to dance. Whatever got that done was good enough. It served a cathartic function for an agrarian community.
It was not the stuff of chat rooms, man caves and folk "work shops".
It just shows you how far we've gotten away from music being the "universal language". Now it's a subject of endless debate and online criticism. Gone is the old Agrarian system and the simple pleasures that made life tolerable. Now we've got it too "good"!
2 comments on “BHO...Banjo Hang-up Overload”
Richard McVicker Says:
Sunday, August 16, 2015 @2:02:22 PM
I think you would enjoy the Gibson Brothers " They call it Music" if you have never heard it. The song says it as plain as it could be said.
ColonelJD Says:
Sunday, August 16, 2015 @2:13:40 PM
Amen to that, Mr. McVicker!
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