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Posted by BanjoBelle on Thursday, May 7, 2015
Can ya believe it? I now have a Skype student in the UK. There would appear to be a serious lack of bluegrass teachers over there. He found my rates most reasonable. I'm excited,and I'll be working with him as we travel one of Wayne Erbsens books together.
Aside from this,I tripped over something in the house and went down on my knees-hard. Right knee really hurt,swollen and bruised. It's improved a lot over the past 48 hours and I was able to get rid of the knee brace and am walking around the house with a cane for a "security blanket" until I feel more sure footed. Thankfully my arms & hands are fine. (Instinct made me put them out in front of me to break the fall & protect my head) Knee is still somewhat swollen but not as bad-treating with an ice pack during the day.
Expecting some rain and hoping we get a good soaking-we need it badly in CA.
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