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Butch Robins Video Series is Complete!

Posted by budbennett on Thursday, January 22, 2015

I am thrilled to present to you all, a 5 part video series in which Butch Robins tells us all about the history of Blue Grass Music.  Butch did a fantastic job at it and traces the music from the bare beginnings to today.  He uses first person and second person accounts throughout, plays banjo for us, gives us music to trace the evolution and generally blows my mind with the detail and passion he showed.  This is Butch at his finest..... honest, accurate, geniune and comfortable.  Please have a look-


9 comments on “Butch Robins Video Series is Complete!”

jhko Says:
Saturday, January 24, 2015 @10:48:02 PM

I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but from what I've seen, this series is fantastic! Thank you for making this part of the historical record. Great job!

pickn5 Says:
Sunday, January 25, 2015 @6:40:49 AM

Thanks for posting, I'm going to watch.

budbennett Says:
Wednesday, January 28, 2015 @1:09:21 PM

We all worked very hard on this, both in making sure the information quality was very high and the production was top notch (at least as far as we could we did the very best production possible). AND, this is not the only video we did/are doing. At the moment there is a Sammy Shelor one and a Jens Kruger one sitting on my hard drive. Sammy is about ready to release too.

Miguel Says:
Monday, February 9, 2015 @3:17:39 PM

is the them song "tanyards"?

budbennett Says:
Monday, February 9, 2015 @6:27:06 PM

Yes indeed

DawgGone Says:
Thursday, November 12, 2015 @6:48:16 PM

I'm enjoying hearing Butch share his experiences and insight. It is a video, however, with not much to look at, so I couldn't help but notice he is always wearing a tuxedo (I know it was taped on different days). In #4 there is a top hat on the bench, and it has two big holes in it! What's up with all this? Also I am wondering who's books are on the shelf? Is Butch reading Buckminster Fuller? I had to ask. In fact I joined banjo hangout so I could ask!

budbennett Says:
Thursday, November 12, 2015 @7:01:48 PM

Thanks for watching! Three hat is one Butch wears sometimes....the unknown banjo player he calls out I think.kind of a joke. And those books beinbehind join Are definitely his, he reads a lot. He is a very very smart guy and very well read.

DawgGone Says:
Thursday, November 12, 2015 @8:33:25 PM

Thanks Bud. I'll read some Bucky Fuller, listen to more Bill Monroe, and maybe my banjo playing will improve!

budbennett Says:
Friday, November 13, 2015 @4:25:56 AM

I think that ought to do it!

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