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Inch by inch...step by step...

Posted by beanseo on Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I'm not talking about Niagara Falls.

This past weekend my (ahem) "band" and I got together for a wee recording session.  This is really a jam band more than anything else.  The first time we played together was November 2005 at a museums conference.  It was really just for giggles - we had grown tired of the same old mix tapes in the hospitality room and we all had instruments.  That first conference led to the next conference, which led to us all bringing instruments to holiday gatherings and birthday bashes.  And now we've made our first recording.

It's a silly band, really.  Sometimes we're jamming with mandos and banjos and guitars, occasionally there's a baritone thrown into the mix, the odd autoharp shows up now and again, and this time we added a bouzouki and two double-basses.  We play everything from Old Crow Medicine Show covers to Old Time standards to Pogues tunes to Ragas backed by Tuvan throat singing.  This time we even did Todd Snider's "Beer Run" in barbershop harmony and added in a couple of Sacred Harp numbers, to boot.

I learned two things at this recording: 1) We suck, but we don't suck quite as bad as we used to, and 2) I hate recording sessions.  It's so much fun sitting around and playing.  And I don't even mind playing the same tune 3 or 4 times in a night, just not 8 or 9 times and then not consecutively.  If I never hear "Wildwood Flower" again, or "You are My Sunshine," it'll be too danged soon.

But that part about not sucking as badly as we used to...that's pretty cool.  I like progress.

2 comments on “Inch by inch...step by step...”

HoosierGal Says:
Thursday, August 2, 2007 @12:09:28 AM

Yay for progress. Doesn't it stink when it goes from 'fun' to 'work' and then isn't as fun anymore.. or at least it becomes more serious than fun. That's the pitfalls of progress for ya. Hey.. there's a song title for ya. lol

PruchaLegend Says:
Thursday, August 2, 2007 @1:21:23 AM

Ah, yes! What price Fame?

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