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Made it through!

Posted by arabella on Friday, July 27, 2007


Well, the band made it through our Hell week!  Last Friday was pretty good!  Had a nice crowd at the state Fair.   Saturday was a little tougher, with performing outside,  100 degrees, mosquitos, oh, and Pat got drunk.......while performing!   We were playing at a bar!  Easy access to the whiskey I guess.  Yeah, I was a little torqued.  I could have let it slide, but between the blown chords, forgotten words, and the rudeness coming out (While he was miked up!!)  It was just too much!  I'm sure he is dreading the lecture from Susi tonight at band practice.......if he shows!   Tuesday night was a wonderful performance.....outside in a bandshell.  North Dakota's only bandshell.  Great crowd,  Soft wind, a little cooler, and the stars over head........Bliss.   Oh, and Pat wasn't drunk at this one......No booze allowed!   So ends the week.  No gigs to go to till september, so just practice, and try to hash things out with all the members.

Have a great weekend reader!

3 comments on “Made it through!”

Paul Bock Says:
Friday, July 27, 2007 @11:21:34 AM

Susi, I think maybe Pat needs to think hard about what's really important to him.  If it's the social aspect and the booze then perhaps he's not the best "fit" for your group.  Members in a successful group know that there is always plenty of time to party AFTER the gig.

arabella Says:
Friday, July 27, 2007 @4:59:42 PM

Hi Paul!

You're absolutely right!  Maybe pat isn't happy with the group, and that is how he is expressing it?!  Anyhow, time will tell. I know that we as a band need to sit down & talk things out!

Thanks for the comment!


Shatfield Says:
Friday, July 27, 2007 @11:00:44 PM

Hey Susi,  looks like your having problems with the same ones again.   Sorry to hear that.  Whatever happened with that freebe gig ya'll had?  Did the whole group show up to perform for your town?

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