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Posted by pickabanjo on Thursday, February 13, 2014
With respect to those players before me, IE: Earl Scruggs , Bela Fleck and many others I'm very thankful for their contribution to the Banjo and their help and wisdom to those who are learning.. I'm by no means, looking for a fight when I say this but, People....I play banjo the way I play Banjo...Not like Earl and Bela play banjo...Like it or hate it , I don't care...I get tired of hearing" That ain't the Earl played it"...Good...I ain't Earl.. I've met both Earl and Bela and Played Banjo with them and neither of them said hey.." That ain't the way I play it" If it's good enough for them then it's good enough for me... I get more respect from the Masters than from the Novice of want to be just like someone else...Be yourself folks...Let the music speak and be who you are...But that's just me....I know ,I know, Someone will take this to heart and have something negative to say...That not what this is about..It's About being yourself...There will never be another Earl Scruggs or a Bela Fleck..They are who they are and you are who you are...Deal with it and play Banjo your way....Hey, but that's just me....Be Well and keep picking....peace
7 comments on “Banjo played your way.”
Cottonmouth Says:
Thursday, February 13, 2014 @4:39:40 PM
Damn, Kevin, I'm sure that you have broken some hearts here, but they'll get over it once they realize they can't quite be like Earl or Bela. No skin off my nose anyway 'cause I play clawhammer. I tried to get your Cleveland Clinic video here on the Hangout, but couldn't figure out the process. It would serve as a great inspiration to others who contemplate 'giving up'. Semper Fidelis, Brother.
pickabanjo Says:
Thursday, February 13, 2014 @6:54:59 PM
Thanks Ken . I have taken some criticism from some in this forum over my transcription of Bach . How i didn't play it exactly like the Cello part is because I played it melodically and the Cello has no sustain. No DAAAAA....Who gives a flip about the Cello in this forum...It's not CELLOHANGOUT....Get a Life...Besides I'm posting Tabs Daily of songs that most would like to play but can't...WAAAAAAA....So instead of learning them , they would rather complain about the inaccurate phrases the may find.. Oh Well...You can't fix stupid...Be well...See ya soon....
MrManners Says:
Thursday, February 13, 2014 @7:35:29 PM
I would not sweat it myself Kevin,maybe some day the general public won't say it all sounds alike,i look forward to clearly different banjo music not rehashed licks,and melody completely lost to joe blow's trick lick.Not to take away from the few that can trully get down on some clone stuff,but i think it could go a lot of other places yet,i like it when someone says i didn't know you could play that on the banjo.
The critics are always there.seems the worst are the ones that play the least or don't play lead at all.---Tom
rgoad Says:
Thursday, February 13, 2014 @8:40:05 PM
I completely understand what you are saying. This sort of relates to a pet peeve of mine: Covers. People call something a cover in an almost disdainful way. The problem is that they are rarely right. A cover is when someone is trying to replicate a tune so that it is indistinguishable from the original in order to deceive the listener. In the '60s bands would put out a tune initiating another band so closely people could not, or only barely, could tell the difference. They would even dress up and make album or record covers that looked like the original. Hence the name. This ignores he exercise and educational value of learning a playing style of a virtuoso when studying a tune. But just playing a tune that someone else played is not a 'cover'. The Metropolitan Opera orchestra is not a cover band. It is the 'B' side of that same stupid to criticize someone for not sounding exactly like the original.
pickabanjo Says:
Friday, February 14, 2014 @8:40:26 AM
I'm glad to hear these reposes to my comments. It seem to be the one issue the drawls the same concerns. I'm been playing for 35 years, daily and without the need to mock J.D.,Earl,Bela and Tony. Why do I call the by there first name? Because I know them and they put their pants on just like everyone else. " One leg at a time"...Thanks for the support on this comment. It well desires to be considered by all the copy cat Banjo players that struggle with finding their own identity...But thats just me... Be Well and keep on Picking... Thanks Ken,Mr. Manners and rgoad
crappiejohn Says:
Sunday, February 16, 2014 @8:56:55 AM
Kevin, so good for me to here your comments.
I like what you have to say very much. I know I'll
never be like, or sound like
the great pickers before me,
or the ones starting with me.
I have so much fun just being me. Thank you so much my friend!!
pickabanjo Says:
Sunday, February 16, 2014 @10:06:09 AM
Thanks Crappiejohn... There is a lot of talented Banjo players out there that get so caught up in being someone else they never get the praise for their playing they deserve. I was once a BIG FISH in a little pond where I live but I'm really glad to see others move in around me and jockey for the title. It has forced me to stay sharp and find my own identity. I hope many more Banjo players take the time to read the post. We need some new Master in this generation to take the mainstream Bluegrass Media...Be Well....peace
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