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Posted by BanjoBelle on Monday, April 8, 2013
I tell you when it rains it pours. My Dads tooth started bugging him about a week ago and he actually wanted to see a dentist. This is exceedingly rare. So we go to a "new to us" guy and he's great-and getting the tooth fixed. Then,two days later,he hesitantly tells me the vision in his eye is "messed up and his field of vision has been cut in half" So after a lot of hassle and "nos" to seeing an eye specialist on a Friday as they're booked,we get in,have the eye looked at,and find he has another torn retina in the same eye as a year ago. And this one is no office visit fix. He goes in for repair surgery tomorrow morning. Egad. Needless to say it's been a hectic last few days.
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