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Posted by Joe Larson on Thursday, April 4, 2013
I've added a new video to the library. Marke (our guitar player) posted it today but it was recorded a year ago.
I remember that day since it was, I believe, the last time we got together with our fiddle player J.B. Miller. The other thing I remember about it was that we didn't play very well. At least I didn't think so. We seemed all off center, our timing was off and we kept forgetting our parts.
There was also some tension in the air as I recall due in part to losing our fiddle player and in part to some personal stuff one of us was going through.
So we were trying to record a few tunes from a practice session but nothing seemed to be working and we just gave up and went home. So imagine what I thought when I heard this:
3 comments on “Sometimes You Just Can't Tell”
BPDye Says:
Friday, April 12, 2013 @7:14:00 AM
Joe: I listened to the video and thought it was great! Most of us wannabes would love to be able to play that "off". Only those at the highest level of musical ability and theory would ever be able to tell something wasn't right...I sure could not. One old lady told me at a nursing home once after I was apologizing for messing up a little on a song, "none us ever know the difference, we just appreciate you playing for us". So, I just enjoyed the video and did not notice any issues. That is the way I feel about my playing now after sever years of playing. I still have lots to learn, but I am going to enjoy the ride from here on out. I am very grateful for what you taught me as I consider learning the bluegrass banjo one of my greatest recreational accomplishments. Thanks for posting. Barry
BPDye Says:
Friday, April 12, 2013 @7:16:37 AM
Oops! Should have been "seven" years of playing.
Joe Larson Says:
Saturday, April 13, 2013 @10:57:37 AM
Hey Barry - Nice comment. Has it really been 7 years?! Playing for an audience is like a communication where you don't have to be perfect, you just have to move them in some way (hopefully a good way :0)) And that's the greatest part of it. You put it out and they, the audience, give it back to you. It's why we go play at nursing homes and other venues with no monetary reward. The reward is the audience.
Don't stop playing (just slow down. Ha)
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