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New To Me Banjo! Discovering Clawgrass... Your Listen Site

Posted by BanjoBelle on Wednesday, February 27, 2013

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               My Father frets (no pun intended) on what to get me for my B day and Yule every year. So when I see something I like on eBay,I send the listing to him and leave it at that. Well-I spotted this Aria 30 bracket banjo and wanted it-I also have a steel strung guitar from the same maker and it's the best handling and sounding guitar I've ever had. So when I spied this,I had to have it due to previous experience. If the guitar is that good,the banjo had to be to. And it is. Despite a crack in the resonator the seller neglected to mention in the listing. Which my Dad is trying to work a deal with the seller now over. 

             This banjo is a BIG step up from my student model Peerless that I purchased back in the 90's at a "junk" store in North Hollywood. Heavier in weight,more volume,just more sturdy all around. I am waiting for a new bridge to arrive-got a crescent moon 1/2 bridge to replace the 5/8" one on there now as it makes the action too high. I've been plucking nightly.

           And-I recently discovered clawgrass. Listened to it and this is the style I want to play! Funny thing is I figured there had to be a way of combining both Clawhammer and 3 finger picking. So I ordered a DVD on how to play that style. I've been learning bluegrass banjo mainly,with a little clawhammer on the side. I prefer the more melodic style of Old Time music,and bluegrass,while I appreciate the skills needed to play it,is just too hyper sounding. I prefer the slower style of playing that just carries you along. This style I believe,presents the best of both worlds. 

          A friend of mine who plays piano & violin introduced me to the site "Your Listen" as she recorded some of her playing and was sharing it with friends. I signed up for an account also,and tho I've been doing video clips of my playing on different instruments,I'd also like to share just sound sometimes-like when that inspirational moment hits you & you're not wearing makeup yet,or your hair looks like it went thru a mixmaster.

I'm on Facebook,BTW so if anyone is on FB also & you'd like to friend me,let me know!


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