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Catching Up....

Posted by BanjoBelle on Thursday, February 7, 2013

       The last few months of the year had some rather un-nerving events and I wasn't playing much of anything-right before Halloween I had a nasty fall in the bedroom and cut open my knee deep enough to warrant going to an Urgentcare as I knew it needed stitches Happened on a Saturday and my drs office was closed. A few days later one of my cats,Sassy,got violently ill out of nowhere and I wound up having to put her to sleep in early November. That was a real shock. I'm guessing it was cancer but will never know for sure. Celebrated the holidays as best I could but something about the entire season just seemed "off" to me and I couldn't really get into it as I normally do. Halloween & Christmas are usually my fave holidays. My Dad came down with a light touch of the flu on Christmas night & I kept an eye on him....he's fine now.

     The New Year has been one of much contemplation on my next moves. As some of you know,I got sick of hiding my intelligence,leadership abilities,and so forth at the part time job I had for 9 years and finally quit last July when the boss finally decided to chew me out for something that didn't happen-she was obsessed with "what coulda" in addition to multi tasking into oblivion. 

    I'm looking for new ways to promote my online music store and perhaps start teaching. Generating a steady and prosperous income is absolutely crucial right now. The past several months I've been getting by on my savings,and I don't want that going to empty. I've been reading books by Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay,Lisa Marie Selow and others. If it's one thing I've learned,working a regular job just isn't the ticket for me anymore so I'm rewiring my mind and replanning so I can be a freelancer in a musical sense.

 Just recently picked up the banjo again in addition to starting to learn clarinet....I love 20's music and have always loved the sound of the instrument. Still keeping up with baritone uke and guitar as well.     

Will be looking at the posts here and catching up on the groups I've started. :-) Made a new friend already! 

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