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Real banjos

Posted by Jonnycake White on Thursday, January 17, 2013

Now that it's winter and I can't work outside, and Christmas is over and I don't have to make toy banjos, and all my family's cars are in good shape (although my Miata is due for a timing belt change), I have started the construction of a pair of "real" banjos.  These will feature 12" block-built rims, a simple 1/4" brass tone ring, bracket band with 24 shoes and hooks, and a graphite-bar reinforced neck.  One I will keep (it will be the last in my series of LDS Church history commemorative banjos), and the other I guess I'll sell to finance the project.  My hope is that these two are the best banjos I've built yet.

3 comments on “Real banjos”

rudy Says:
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 @2:56:51 PM

Get cracking! They're not going to make themselves, and get that belt changed. Alas, my beautiful 2003 Miata Special Edition with 11K miles got totaled at the country road intersection last spring, so I shed a tear when I think about her... The scrap yard guy was astounded when I told him I walked away from it!

Jonnycake White Says:
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 @6:51:07 PM

That's heart breaking about the Miata, but I've heard they really protect their drivers well. Mine has a roll bar as well - but I hope I never need it.

I've got a fairly good start on the banjo pots - I've got all the sectors cut, and my Shopsmith all set up to touch up the angles and the lengths with the disc sander attachment. It's good to be back in the saddle again.

Jonnycake White Says:
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 @6:51:41 PM

PS I'm glad you're OK

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