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Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013.

Posted by u k sandra on Friday, January 4, 2013

Okay, how many of you have put on weight over the holidays?. I can`t believe I`m the only one. Half a stone!!. I would blame it on stopping smoking but that was 15 months ago. I think it`s too much yogurt. I`m addicted to fruit and yogurt. It can`t be the lemon drizzle cake because we all know that`s not fattening. No, it must be the yogurt. Anyway, because where we live bears a striking resemblance to the Okefenokee swamp, and has done for months, I thought it was a good idea to buy a treadmill so that I could walk for miles without getting covered in mud. It`s wonderful. I`ve just walked for almost a hour and a half while watching Dwight Dillers `The Fifth String`. I have to admit to nearly falling off when Sugar In The Gourd was playing in the cafe. I must remember not to try to dance on it.

My banjo has been feeling a bit left out lately. It`s been mostly fiddle. I think that`s because a lot of my friends play fiddle and nobody else plays banjo. We do a lot of Scandinavian and Shetland tunes but the last tune we learnt at our fiddle class was Elk River Blues. It was such a pleasure after all of the strange polkas. The fiddle is a lot of fun to play but it`s time I gave a bit more attention to my banjo. My band class is back on Tuesday, after the Christmas break so I`ll have something to practise again. It`s not banjo like you know it. We play strange things and because there are so many other instruments, sometimes it`s hard to hear the banjo. I know that`s hard to believe but try standing next to an accordion. It`s the best thing in the world if you`re not sure what you`re doing because nobody can hear you. If anybody is interested in the strange tunes we play, and some of the not so strange tunes we play ( hearing Blackberry Blossom being played by a mixed band of novices in the north east UK may seem a bit weird ) do a youtube search for ` Folkworks At The Sage 5th anniversary. It`s in two parts. It was three years ago. Somebody recorded it and put it on Youtube. Look out for the couple with the Santa hats on. Thats The Hangouts John Henry and his wife Eileen ( a great guitar player ).

I hope it`s a wonderful year for all of my friends ( and everybody else ).

2 comments on “Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013.”

Jane C Says:
Saturday, January 5, 2013 @6:34:21 AM

It's nice to hear from you Sandra. Try playing next to a very competent pianist and trumpeter in a tight space. I couldn't hear a thing so I must have been brilliant! Don't eat the yogurt

u k sandra Says:
Saturday, January 5, 2013 @2:54:19 PM

Too late Jane, I`m addicted. It`s amazing how good we play when we can`t hear ourselves. I`ve noticed this myself.
Take care. It`s good to hear from you too.

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