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I Do Love Liquour and I Will Take a Dram

Posted by ElGringorio on Monday, October 8, 2012

Well, folk, the banjo journey is ever ongoing, but lately I've been playing more guitar. There is a reason for that. When I go to a jam session and there are three or four other banjo players present, well, I do nothing to contribute to the jam by pulling out another banjo.

The way I see it, you can't have too much rhythm guitar going in old-time music, but too much banjo can be a little, well, too much.

So I have acquired a few guitars the last few months and been having fun with them, self-teaching myself , but always seeking out pointers from friends who are well versed in flat picking.

Now, I will always be a clawhammer banjo player at heart, and will continue to play banjo when our old-time string band has gigs, but there's nothing wrong with challenging yourself. And that is what I am doing with guitar.

Besides, my wife, aka the little general, finds the guitar somewhat more tolerable.

I've noticed that many of my friends in old-time music circles play multiple instruments, so that is what I am striving for, too.

So there you have it. Who knows, one day I might just be sawing away on a fiddle. Best of luck to you all.

4 comments on “I Do Love Liquour and I Will Take a Dram”

carlb Says:
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 @6:44:28 AM

I guess you're enjoying expanding your horizons in old time music. Hope we cross paths again sometime.

RatLer Says:
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 @8:14:16 AM

Too much...banjo...!!!! That's just crazy talk.... too much sun...put your hat back on...LOL

pluckyfingers Says:
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 @12:45:35 PM

Since taking up clawhammer banjo five years ago had virtually given up the guitar. I bought a small bodied guitar last year for comfort, as the dreadnaught size just felt way too big after the banjo. Took it to a recent festival and went to a workshop called "The guitar in oldtime Music'. Felt it was the best workshop I had been to in ages. Even had other guitarists giving me advice and a proper pick. So in our next monthly jam I will have ago at guitar as well as banjo.

Boxty Says:
Sunday, April 14, 2013 @1:22:02 PM

Hi Man. I live and play in Ireland and have the same problem, even though I play a tenor.I have a 1925 Paramount that is my pride and joy. The banjo is so popular here t
Hat often there are cart loads of them at a jam session so I bring my old 71 Martin D1. I am building a flat top tenor and then will have a go at a 5 string, but will have to learn to play it also . Nice words in your post and keep well. From all in Ireland and me, Eamon, cheers

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