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Posted by bobbiloughlin on Friday, September 28, 2012
I got to watch part of the IBMA that they were streaming via live webcast last night, couldn't watch all of it since I had to get my little one to bed at a reasonable time.
5 comments on “IBMA webcast last night”
n1wr Says:
Friday, September 28, 2012 @8:18:41 AM
Stayed up for the whole thing. I think what impressed me the most was the change from all of the old standbys - the musicians of the sixties through eighties, to the new generation of bluegrass musicians. A really good mixture of old traditional style (which I love) to new modern style (which I only like). Its always good to see JD Crowe and some of the others that are still active (barely).
All in all it was a good show. Raleigh (next year) is a bit closer - only a six hour ride - so maybe I'll get there, hoping that the venue is bigger and they have tickets for us fans.
Take care Bobbi,
bobbiloughlin Says:
Friday, September 28, 2012 @8:22:17 AM
I was impressed with the bit that I saw. Raleigh is even further from me than Nashville is. maybe some day I'll be able to go see it in person.
Banjov1 Says:
Friday, September 28, 2012 @2:55:05 PM
Great show! loved it all... Love the old stuff, but love the new stuff too. I was bummed my favorite new band FS & Dirty Kitchen didn't win emerging artist of the year, but it sure was neat to see them play a tune during the show. Then that tribute at the end of the show with Steve Martin's intro was beyond great. (there's clips of that on youtube btw if you didn't get to see it)
Banjov1 Says:
Friday, September 28, 2012 @2:57:12 PM
insert "then that [Earl] tribute at the end of the show" to comment above ;)
bobbiloughlin Says:
Friday, September 28, 2012 @2:57:29 PM
thanks banjov1, I'll check out the clips on youtube later this evening. I only got to see the first 20-30 minutes
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