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Posted by BanjoBelle on Sunday, September 9, 2012
Been studying Dan Levenson's first lessons series of books "folk banjo" and "clawhammer banjo". This was the style I was wanting to learn in the '90's when I purchased my 1st banjo and set it down due to having a dull plate in my life at the time. Enjoying it very much and the style reminds me of the music I used to hear as a kid-mainly Pete Seeger when it came to banjo playing.
I also got a copy of the book "Banjo Camp!" and it helped me discover that I am indeed, an "Old Time" musician to the core-right down to being a multi instrumentalist and shy by nature.
And strings are ordered for my latest autoharp- a late '60s early '70's Monterey model by Oscar Schmidt. Needed some refurbishing,nothing horrible...the most challenging was getting the end of a string out of the bridge area. Put a spring for the chord bar back in place,and once the strings are here I'll get to see what it sounds like. Bigger than my 1963 model I'm playing now which was sorta surprising.
And-reinstalling programs on the re-newed Mac. Photoshop is next,then I can put the latest pic of my wooden open back up here.
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