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Posted by BanjoBelle on Friday, August 31, 2012
First,an update on Lightning-more tests reveal that she does not have asthma,what caused her seizure is unknown,however her kidneys are old and she will be going on a special kidney food formula shortly. Samples of different types are now in the house,and we'll see what she likes best. If all goes well,I could have her in good health for 2 more years,maybe more.
I've lost my old desktop and now my old laptop Macs due to the hard drives dying from old age. I'm now on a relative's computer,and am Mac laptop shopping.
I finally got the tailpiece replaced on the wooden banjo-I need to update the photo of it. It sounds and plays much better! I put a clamshell on it.
Been dipping into fiddle playing again now that I needn't worry about getting the cat stressed (they don't like my fiddle or harmonicas,oddly enough) also plucking mandolin & autoharp.
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