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Posted by paulrobertwagner on Friday, June 22, 2012
Last night my wife walked behind me to see what I'd been looking at on my laptop. She didn't seemed too thrilled with the image on the screen so I pointed out, "I'm looking at banjos, not girls in bikinis!"
3 comments on “Banjos not Bikinis”
ronhan Says:
Friday, June 22, 2012 @5:53:10 PM
What about girls in bikinis playing banjo?
paulrobertwagner Says:
Saturday, June 23, 2012 @6:52:42 AM
LOL -- not here in the North Country, Ron. Kentucky, perhaps?
Banjov1 Says:
Saturday, June 23, 2012 @7:21:26 PM
Hey Paul, I'm gonna be at Lake George next week and I'd actually like to get away from some bikinis and do some jammin... is there any where around your area that I can get some pickin in?
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